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Forums Forums Mediums Silly question about how mediums see spirits enter a space

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    Hi mediums! So, I’m more so an intuitive claircognizant type person. Sometimes I wish I was clairvoyant and other times I’m grateful that I don’t see things! For those of you that do…is there a certain way you see spirits entering a space? Do they tend to come from above? I’m curious and asking because I’m 99.9% sure my cat is a guardian of mine and very spiritually connected. I know most animals do see spirit. It feels silly asking this because I know sometimes cats are just being cats but she will stare above the headboard of my bed, and other times at the corners of my ceiling for a few minutes. Sometimes she’ll even squint like she sees a light, and I check for shadows and bugs…and there’s never anything physically there that the naked eye can see. I pray every night for my guides to look over me while I sleep, so maybe that’s it? I’m not sure. So that’s why I was wondering if there’s a certain way energies manifest when it enters a space? Like, if they typically come from above, especially if its a benevolent energy? Hope that wasn’t too silly and made sense! Also just thought I’d add, sometimes my cat likes to stand on her hind legs and check out my altars. My friend who is a reiki practitioner and medium says my cat is probably cleansing it when she does this? I don’t know but, I sure am grateful for our special little furry friends! My cat basically adopted me and I’m so glad she did!

    Thanks in advance for any responses! I’ve always been curious about this. Also, if anyone has any advice on how I can better connect with my cat and understand what she’s picking up on, I’m always grateful for helpful advice regarding learning and development! Thank you!

  • Silly question about how mediums see spirits enter a space

     ladybug5551111 updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Kittybatty33

    July 13, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    dogs r physical guardians, cats r spiritual guardians, generally

  • ladybug5551111

    July 13, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    Here’s a picture of my cat too just in case you wanted to see the cuteness

  • cndrow

    July 13, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    I think your friend is correct. In my experience, kitties naturally cleanse the spaces they’re in 👌🏻

    My cat also sometimes watches about mid-height on walls, or the ceiling. Sometimes I think he’s sensing the spirits upstairs.. sometimes I think he’s watching the little Nature spirits that roam my house (they’re house spirits that help keep my home clean and protected and they definitely climb walls)

    And sometimes I’m pretty sure my cat is viewing past the physical walls and roof into the spiritual space around us- probably checking out something going over past the house. Using his third eye to see beyond the physical walls, but to me it looks like he’s staring at the ceiling

    And sometimes….. I think he’s super sleepy and operating on 1 braincell and gets stuck “buffering” while staring at the wall 😂

  • Famous-Neat9439

    July 13, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    To answer your question, no they do not come from above. They just materialize however they wish when entering a space which can be from the above direction. You can’t seen them the entire time they enter the room or space your in. Most common I see are the orbs and they will briefly show themselves for a second or more. They will zip around from any direction from some point already in the room. They and can be helpful at times. They range from what I have seen, white, grey, and red. White being most common. 2nd most common are columns of light. Only seen white and grey and they are as tall as people. The least common I have seen are figures with definition and I have seen white almost opaque because light was on. Also are grey and black. I only have one cat that will pay attention to them. Even though we can see them, the light they give off does not reflect off anything. It’s like if you were to step outside and look up you could see the sun but not seen the grass you stand on or the land around you.

  • MrArshole

    July 13, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    Black cats are weird AF. My black cat literally is laying in my lap as I write this. She is 16 YO and still looks like 2. She always finds my lap when I’m emotionally or psychically vulnerable. She’s been close to dying before. But it was when another black cat entered our house. He died tragically young. I ate a large dose of mushrooms for myself to deal with his death. I put on some binaural healing frequency and started doing my thing. My cat 🐈‍⬛ literally sat on my lap from the peak on down. She was like legit magically healed and acting like herself the next day. That was 3 years ago.

    Do I think she’s a guide.Absolutely. She still is annoying and weird. Very mouthy little thing.

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