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Forums Forums Mediums Someone with the energy of a black hole

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    I haven’t really posted here before, but thought it might be worth a shot. I can’t get a read on this person, but maybe someone here can give some sort of insight/advice…

    First, some backstory.

    There is a person in my life (we’ll call them D). In college, I dated D for about 3 weeks and they cheated on me (that’s kind of a whole other story altogether, but the truth is a bit muddled with that. It might not have actually been their fault. ANYWAY). We broke up. I tried to make D jealous by dating someone else (which was an awful idea). A few months go by and I end up dating my now fiancé (someone D actually knew from highschool).

    7 years pass.

    My fiancé reconnects with some friends from highschool. Including D. I get looped in. And D ends up apologizing, trying to set the record straight, we both sort of have a heart to heart and things are good.

    Well, they “should” be good.

    The thing is, D has this sort of energy that I for the life of me cannot get a good read on. The only way I can describe it… it’s like this massive sort of pull. Like a black hole. It intimidates the CRAP out of me, but I don’t know why. And even if D is doing something kind for us, I find myself on edge.

    If I pull tarot on D, I get all sorts of wild cards. Always things pointing to mystery and spirituality and destiny and the universe… Ironically D is more conservative and religious, and has mentioned destiny to me before. I have the sense that in someway, somehow D knows SOMETHING that I don’t.

    Please someone tell me that I’m not crazy?

  • Someone with the energy of a black hole

    c-shadrach updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • brokenribbed

    February 3, 2021 at 1:25 pm

    maybe try a reading by someone else? if you feel intimidated by him, that’ll manifest as muddiness in your readings. if you have a discord, i’d be willing to do it for you over VC.

  • c-shadrach

    February 3, 2021 at 1:25 pm


    Have you considered that maybe you both shared a past life together and the is the unseen pull you feel – your spirit saying, “stay away” for whatever-the-reason?

    Also, I’ve learned that some people come and go in our life and their purpose (divine given, probably no a conscious decision), is to cause chaos so that your own personal spirit can learn and grow. Sometimes these people are people that we know are bad for us and othertimes it’s seemingly innocent people that cause issues in our lives.

    Surround yourself with White Light and stay aware! <3

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