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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Spell for motivation for fitness and weight loss?

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    Hi! I’ve been gaining weight the last months due to stress and overeating when anxious. I do plan to get back on track with exercise and diet, but tbh I’m going back home after 2 years of no visiting and I don’t want to be on full diet mode (I want to eat all my moms dishes!). If there’s a spell or something to help me get motivated and stay on track after I return from my holidays? Or anything related to this that can be helpful?

  • Spell for motivation for fitness and weight loss?

  • Shorteeby40

    November 16, 2021 at 3:24 am

    I just did one for myself. I bought a body candle that was basically a better version of my current body type, put a sigil on the back for [healthy weight loss](, and then anointed it with some “skinny bitch” weight loss oil. The candle burned quickly and the leftover wax was put in a small jar to use on a wax warmer until I reach my goal.

  • kai-ote

    November 16, 2021 at 3:24 am

    Eat ALL your moms dishes, just smaller portions. Any type of spell for self confidence that interests you. And take your time. Take a long hot bath. Let the stress go down the drain.Listen to some peaceful sounds or music. You didn’t gain the weight overnight. Give yourself a clear path that doesn’t feel like you are depriving yourself, or any progress will be temporary, and that probably isn’t what you want. Finally, most important of all, do this for you and you alone. Don’t let anyone put presssure on you to do this. Lose weight because you want to, not because you think you have to. I hope this helps a little.

  • reticentminerals

    November 16, 2021 at 3:24 am

    Don’t fall into traps of dieting and weight loss tips that don’t work. Do hella research before you try something that will not work.
    Do drink herbal tea and healthy foods. It’s easier to start habits than break them so the best thing to start is to add some healthy stuff into your diet while also having a food journal so you’re aware of what you’re actually eating throughout the week. Also, I recommend meditating and visualizing how you want your body to look and feel every now and then but never ever tell yourself that you are fat because you don’t want to keep manifesting that.

  • hazelnut_mylk

    November 16, 2021 at 3:24 am

    instead of a weight* (edit: typo) loss spell…. do one for anxiety. do one for self love.
    you can’t fix a problem without getting to the root of it.

    and please, do shadow work. get a CBT therapy workbook and do them. learn to manage your binge trigger and how to cope with anxiety, and then find new ways to manage your emotions than reverting back to food. you don’t need more motivation or what’s not; essentially, you can’t hate your body into loving it.
    learn to find a sustainable way of doing things without you hating yourself or trying to suppress your emotions somehow, and then the weight loss will naturally follow. work with your body, not against it.

  • BabyNonsense

    November 16, 2021 at 3:24 am

    Maybe put a tracker or something in your BOS? If you have a binder type BOS.

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