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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Spell to block my partner’s energy?

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    I am hypersensitive to energies. I don’t have 2-3 hours a day to generate a buffer around myself. I work from home. Participating in a group or going out in public sometimes cause draining connections with other people. I have worked on this with healers, soul retrieval, psychotherapy, books, rituals, etc. it’s hard to overcome an entire childhood without being allowed boundaries, and it’s also hard to overcome being … ugh this is a cringy thing to say but idk how else to describe it… high vibe, evolution-oriented amongst people who aren’t. Their energies create a drag and sometimes I can meet them in love but sometimes I’m so fucking distracted by their illness, negative thinking, or whatever it is. He has thus far not been very understanding and I am out of ideas. How do I create a wall to block my husband’s energy? How do I overcome the spiritual laws that basically say “if you have consensual sex with someone then you are agreeing to be open to their energies”? I want him to be able to live his best life, but sometimes that is making me suffer then I feel very disempowered as I often experience this stuff as violating, intrusive, and feel helpless to stop it on my own. In the past I would just take a pill like a xanax to shut down my nervous system and it would block this type of thing but that really does not even work anymore. I am overwhelmed and exhausted and have nowhere to go for help because what I need sounds crazy. Help please?

  • Spell to block my partner’s energy?

  • BrumeRaven

    July 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    You could try “creating” (visualizing) a shielding orb of light around you. It helps me tremendously to deal with anxiety and having too fine antennas.

    But to be honest, nobody should ever feel their partner is draining them. This is a strong indicator the partner might not be right for you. There’s a reason. I don’t mean he is definitely the wrong one, I don’t know much about him. But my own experiences and those of people around me is… if your partner is draining you, the problem is not you, the problem is the partner and their toxic / difficult behavior and / or the relationship not working. I and some of my friends always thought that’s just us, we are sensitive, we are always drained by people… Nope, my current partner energizes me. A friend dumped a partner of 10 years who was draining. That friend has a new partner for a few months now and is happy with them being around 24/7.

    Sometimes the problem is not you.

  • Arabellas_Eye

    July 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    What you’re describing in your post is codependency. And while crystals and rituals can be helpful, they will not solve the root problem. That will likely take working through this with a therapist (or even just reading some books like “Codependent No More”).

  • Embarrassed-Cicada27

    July 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    There are a few things you can do ranging from simple charms/crystals, all the way up to more complex spell work; depending on your level of knowledge with witchcraft.

    Crystals like black obsidian, selenite, and amethyst are great in a pinch to try and purify or ward off energies. Selenite acts like an energy vaccuum, amethyst is great for protection against energies, and obsidian is great for filtering out the negative vibes coming in. Using these three in conjunction with one another can near completely server ties to the energies that are affecting you, speaking from experience.

    On the flip side there are protection blessings you can perform to try and shield yourself from the energies of others, however given youve said you often don’t have the time to put up a ward, you can also turn these blessings into a small spell jar that you could wear like a necklace or carry with you whenever you need it. Crystals like the ones I listed above, plus sage rosemary, and mint can make a very effective spell jar that should help!

  • blasted_arch

    July 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    So, because magick is so reliant on the practitioners intentions, I am concerned that your inability to solve this problem with mundane methods is a bad sign. Please do not take this as an insult. This is an unbiased third party who read what you said twice and who is also married to a person who has a weird energy I often have to move away from. I love him, and a lot of what you wrote resonates with me – but marriage is a lot about respecting boundaries and I think it’s important that you keep in mind what magick can and cannot do for you as it relates to other peoples behavior.

    You said:

    > It’s hard to overcome an entire childhood without being allowed boundaries
    (Hence, your boundaries are seen as optional)


    > he has thus far not been very understanding and I am out of ideas.

    A spouse needs to respect boundaries. Magick won’t force this to happen, even if it does help you feel more at peace with what’s happening.

    Magick can’t suddenly change other peoples behavior. It can only help you, and change YOU. The intent your magick will rely on hinges on your ability to act your desires out in real life. This is where the strength in your magick comes from. You NEED to find a way to keep your boundaries clear, defined, and enforced otherwise any spell you attempt will either fail or not work well. He needs to start respecting your boundaries, and he needs to arrive at this without magickal intervention. Do not expect a conversation where you make your boundary-respecting demands to end happily – it’s great if it does but you still have to have the conversation even if it’s uncomfortable. Give him the information he needs to hear about what your needs are, and walk away. Let him digest it. Put your foot down and be firm. Only then will your intent really MEAN something. Your magick will be stronger.

  • catra-applesauce

    July 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    im really sorry if i’m reaching here, but this sounds like a case of hyper vigilance combined with an unhealthy relationship dynamic. there are most definitely solutions for guarding your own energy, but this may be something else entirely. I am no expert, but I do wonder a few things about this situation, questions that may help you find a solution. Do you sense energy from plants or animals similarly to how you sense people’s energy around you? Or is it only people? How often do you take time to be alone? When alone, how do you feel? Are you comfortable in your own company, or are you thinking about everyone else?

    Im not a professional so please take this with all with a grain of salt. I seriously recommend getting more professional help. In regards to what you can do spiritually, centering yourself can be super helpful. TheWitchOfWonderlust on youtube has an awesome video on it. I wish you luck ❤️❤️

  • Expensive_Trouble

    July 30, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    You could try shielding meditations. Their a good way to keep unwanted energy away from you

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