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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing spell work for the agitated witch?

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    i’m a very agitated person, in the sense, i can’t be quiet or still. as you imagine, meditation has been HELL for me, and i don’t feel connected to it.

    my best way of staying focused is with materials or objects that keep me busy: for example, spell jars, dressing candles or writing on the journal, because it doesn’t let my mind wonder.

    are there other types of spell like this? thanks in advance!

  • spell work for the agitated witch?

    WitchOfTheWilderness updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • Glassfern

    June 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    Be physically active! Slow dancing, fast dancing, a work out, so walk, a run, a hike. When people get in the zone or lose themselves in the music its a way of being present and focusing on something and reacting presently and releasing pent up energy.

    For example, for me. I like to go on walks, and on days I feel very agitated, I will “high five trees” or tap trees. I imagine the moment’s contact is me depositing or sharing my energy to the tree. As it is a tree, they are a mega house of transformative mechanism and energy, so they will likely take my energy and transform it into something that serves them. And by spreading my energy out, it doesn’t feel stuffy but rather nice. Likewise it also works the other way around. Tapping/touching trees, when you’re low energy, asking for an exchange or a drop to spare. And there are days where I just like touching the trees, running my hand through it’s branches admiring it, complimenting it, seeing what’s growing on it or what has visited it. Its very nice.

    Also when I meditate indoors I’m probably doing yoga or a stretch or just sitting and rocking or rolling slowly while listening to a sound I like, sometimes even humming. Knitting, crocheting, weaving, cleaning aquariums, watering plants….making wontons(food prep) are also good in the moment meditation activities.

  • BabyNonsense

    June 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    I relate to this soooo hard. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger, but no one ever tried to help me with it. My mind races constantly, I can’t focus on anything, even the things I really really like. Right now, I’m supposed to be studying my book, but this subreddit is easier.

    Here’s some stuff that helps me, is easier for me, observations…

    – having something in my hand to mess with while I meditate. There are fidget toys, but I usually end up fussing with my jewelry, chapstick, pen cap, etc.

    – Repeating intention over and over so I don’t get off track.

    – speaking out loud, instead of silent prayer

    – tarot is different every time, the novelty of each reading kinda helps.

    – absolute quiet is both good and bad. Means I can focus on my book easier. But also I tend to use that time to wander off in my head.

    I’m in the process of seeing a therapist to hopefully get a hold on my focus, cuz this is pretty miserable lol.

  • SigFoot

    June 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    Moving mediation- things like walking, yoga, taichi, etc. Learning that there’s such thing as moving meditation was a blessing for me. I practiced moving meditation enough to get my mind still then I began to practice stillness with my body. Total game changer.

  • Sufficient-War-8950

    June 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    Have you gotten into sigil work?

  • WitchOfTheWilderness

    June 22, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    I find kyanite a very calming way to start my workings, helps me to stay focused and is good for unblocking too.

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