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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Spells for fertility and pregnancy

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    Me and my female partner have been trying to conceive for about two years now and after countless trips to gynecologists for my wife and a urologist for myself all our Drs have said he are fine and can get pregnant yet we can’t seem to. So I want to turn to the spiritual side and look to the old ways

    Does anyone have simple spells I the male partner can use on myself and to aid my wife? Or a charm or tails man that’s good luck and helps fertility?

    Thanks for your time and I’m sure this question has been asked does end of times already but as a novice I appreciate it

  • Spells for fertility and pregnancy

  • shadowrifty

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    My wife and I did some things a little over a year ago when we started trying for a baby. We cleansed the house. Then we did a tarot reading on the subject on the sabbath and performed a sex ritual by giving offerings and declaring our intent and then inviting the all mother and all father into ourselves for some sexy energy building. We sank all that energy in to a tigers eye (that has always been my personal stone.)

    From there we started preparing for a baby and doing the normal things you do when you are specifically trying. I made the wee one a dream catcher which I charged on my alter and learned to crochet and made a baby blanket. My wife checked hormone levels and we copulated often. We are a bit older so it took a while but we delivered a baby boy in January.

  • Drais_Mei

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Your wife needs to track her cycle if she isn’t already. Ovulation window is small, so make it a point to have sex as often as possible 3 days before, on the day of, and 3 days after projected ovulation date.

    During those days for her – Your wife should drink red raspberry leaf tea three times daily, each time stirring the tea clockwise while asking the universe – or your chosen fertility deity – to bless her with a healthy pregnancy. You can also take the blessed tea and add in some rose petals while still hot in a pot, stir, let it cool, strain the petals out, put the liquid in a spray bottle, and spray it all over the bed daily.

    During those days for you – about half an hour before you first have sex for the day OR if you can handle doing it every time – you should drink a cup of black coffee (can add sugar to cut the bitterness if you need to). Same thing with the stirring and asking to bless your seed in giving your wife a healthy pregnancy. The black coffee actually has its roots in the Shettles Theory, the theory suggests that the sperm get a jolt of energy from the caffeine and are said to move faster.

    Medically speaking, I have 5 different female friends who couldn’t get pregnant and started taking metformin for fertility and were pregnant within the month of starting it. I understand that this is a witchcraft forum but wanted to point it out because of how much success it had for them. I know others who have had success with the tea and coffee above, I believe in it enough that it has a page in my grimoire detailing the process.

    I wish you and your wife a blessed and happy pregnancy in the near future.

  • Cairocatastrophe

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    For simple things you can tie a hagstone to the bedpost, try on the full moon, or wear rose quartz.

  • letthef_ckdown

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    I hope no one gets offended by this, but I and my former partner ate some shrooms, we got pregnant. The person who gave us the shrooms told us it would affect our fertility and it worked. My daughter is now 20, brilliant, beautiful, and flawless in my opinion. Best wishes to you!

  • Marythewitch

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    You both need to have a look at what might be spiritually blocking you. Are either of you dealing with unresolved trauma? Sometimes it can even be something like needing to get something out of your system first or address underlying issues. It could even be never getting round to doing XYZ before having kids…
    It’s spiritual work you will both need to do, your bodies will catch up when you’re both completely ready.

  • lovemeninkilts

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Spiritual Fertility is a great book that may help unlock or heal beliefs, trauma, blockages, etc, as other posters have suggested.

    Best of luck!

    [Spiritual Fertility by Dr Julie Von](

  • Crafty-Particular998

    June 25, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Google heavy metals, how they’re stored in your system, how they can negatively impact fertility, and dietary means which can help remove these metals (many foods such as sweet potatoes as one example have chelating properties, meaning that they attach themselves to heavy metals such as lead and you can excrete them better). Also, go to your doctors and make sure she doesn’t have an obstruction in her tubes, and make sure you’ve done a sperm count.

    Balance the physical before you opt for the magical. Once you’ve found this info I’ve recommended, focus on manifestation.

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