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    I am hoping this post will help others that are growing spiritually and help provide me with some next steps to explore.

    Over the last year, I have had strong premonitions in my dreams and in meditation. Several of them playing out to the exactly they way they were in my dreams/meditations. Including seeing a little boy being blessed by a monk a day after I dreamt it. (I didn't know I would be at a temple the next day, I don't even practice Hinduism) and seeing my grandmother in ICU hours after I dreamt that she fell.

    I have asked for clarity and signs that I am moving in the right direction spiritually and professionally, and I received a Hawks feather in my path and a moth landing on my chest while meditating in my office in return.

    I am looking to gain more confidence in my abilities and to grow them stronger. If you were me, what next steps would you take?

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