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Forums Forums Astrology Stories of when you have guessed that someone has a certain sign (or its energy) from first impressions?

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    What are some behaviors that stood out to you when you first met someone that made you think, oh this person definitely has X energy? And you turned out to be right?

    Share some interesting stories!

  • Stories of when you have guessed that someone has a certain sign (or its energy) from first impressions?

    cdgbv88 updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 13 Replies
  • KyleOfCups

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    I use to work in banking which gave me clear knowledge of many peoples birthdays. I use to play a game where I would guess someone’s Sun sign by their looks and swagger. Over time I became very proficient at this. I could guess someone’s Sun sign 8/10 times roughly. It’s amazing how many similarities people have that go unnoticed.

  • Castlewallsxo

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Connie Britton’s hair made me guess she was a Leo and she is indeed a Leo Rising

  • holdon_brb

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Leo suns will almost always find a way to draw attention to themselves either with their behaviour or the way they dress.

  • cnkdndkdwk

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    A coworker of mine. She has the most chaotic love life of anyone I have ever met, in a bad way. Even in her own accounts, her behaviour was often manipulative, possessive, vengeful, and aggressive.

    When I finally saw her chart it was exactly what I expected. A poorly aspected Venus in Scorpio and Aries in the seventh house.

  • ashazel

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    I can generally guess pisces suns REALLY well for some reason lol. I don’t know what it is, I guess just the dreaminess? ????

  • RyukinSpace

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    I guess that my friend is a Capricorn rising based on her voice, mannerisms, and the way she laughed.

  • tumble895

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Had to do a training session as a new employee for work. Me and my trainer got to the topic of astrology and he had me guess his sign. Got the scorpio rising right away, mostly due to his attire and demeanor. He wasnt wearing anything special, just pants and hoodie, but everything is black and very plain. He also had a few stud earrings that are black. Before we got to the topic of astrology he was very inquisitive of me and how I feel about things (not overly personal), but whenever I asked him something about himself he mostly just gave a brief answer and doesnt go into details too much. Not until I shared something very personal, then he opened up a bit more.

    Later guessed his sun sign, I guessed something Earth, maybe Virgo. He turned out to be a Cancer sun which was very in line with the other Cancers I know, based on how our conversation somehow turned to BLM and protests, something he feels very strongly about.

  • _ellerin

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Years of watching GoT and reading the books, I guessed that Emilia Clarke’s portrayal of Daenerys would make her a Libra Sun, Cancer Moon and maybe a Scorpio or Libra rising. Turns out that Emilia is a Libra Sun at 29 degrees and a Cancer Moon!

  • trstmfckr

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    I don’t always guess right, but a few correct guesses I’ve made within initial convos:

    * pisces suns: many give off majorrrr “dear god pls cuddle me” vibes (plus puppy dog eyes)
    * cancer placements (venus, mars): have a puppy dog eye as well
    * sag suns: early comments like “optimism has always gotten me through” / “eh, everything will be fine!” (and even being “morning people,” bc many of us are)
    * gemini suns: I just always feel immediately comfortable with them, like jeans and t shirt with a beer at a local neighborhood bar feel
    * scorpio sun: process of elimination with one dude… he was reserved and a bit stoic, but not in an overly processy (earth) way… more “clean black” vibes
    * libra placements: idk, they just “rub me wrong.” whenever I feel this specific immediate, acute aversion to someone early on, they almost always have libra placement
    * capricorn moons: bc my 8th is in capricorn. this takes a bit longer, but once I notice, I can feel this. it feels like being stared at from across the room every time you interact, like you’ve already told them all your shadow side shit and they’re ready to just talk casually about it. I only know of two people (of like 50 I’ve looked up) in my life with this, but after reading about “moon in someone’s 8th house overlay synastry,” I accurately guessed (i.e., *knew*) that both these people had it. And they do.

  • Klaudiapotter

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Never met this girl, but there’s a Cut video where they had people, including an actual astrologer, guess people’s sun signs. They’d go up and the guesser could ask some generic questions to point them in the right direction.

    I spotted the Leo before she even said anything lmao. Just her posture and that balls to the wall energy was screaming stereotypical Leo. She’s been in other videos and she’s kind of a lot, but I love her vibe for real. She does seem super nice and at one point she was very discreetly eating cookies out of her pocket.

    One of the guessers was a Pisces sun, but I swear on my life she has a lot of fire in her chart.

  • ProphecyEmpress

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Not exactly a “first impression” kind of post, but it’s still about thinking that someone I know definitely has X energy and I was right about it. I hope it’s still okay to post this here.

    Before my chart was officially rectified, I thought the cookbook descriptions of Ascendant in Sagittarius applied more to my brother instead of me.

    After my official chart rectification, I’m actually a Scorpio Ascendant, not a Sagittarius Ascendant as my birth certificate would lead you to think. For me, the dead giveaway that my birth time could be wrong on my birth certificate was the degree of my Ascendant.

    Even a minor delay would mean my Ascendant is wrong and my mom told me that doctors had to step in and intervene to make sure I would be born. This would easily justify the delay with recording my birth time while also meaning that my birth chart information isn’t fully accurate if you go by the details of what was recorded. I’m surprised I didn’t become an astrology skeptic over this situation.

    So, years ago, I drew up a rough estimate of what I thought my brother’s chart looked like. I pinpointed him as a Sagittarius Moon and a Sagittarius Ascendant in said chart. Earlier this year, my brother ordered a copy of his birth certificate and it was pinned to the refrigerator for everyone in the house to see. I read it and altered the chart details I had to include his real birth time (likely to be accurate since I’ve heard my brother’s birth was much easier than mine).

    My brother, indeed, has a Sagittarius Moon and a Sagittarius Ascendant. I even got the house of his Moon right. His Moon is in 12th house.

    For a long time, I used to envy my brother, but now that I see what his chart actually looks like and I’m older and more knowledgeable about astrology (at least, compared to before my chart rectification), I’m not sure his chart is any easier than mine is.

    He has Saturn in Pisces in 3rd house, which is interesting, I have to be honest. I have absolutely no idea how that applies to him. Growing up, I associated my brother with the energy of Jupiter and I associated myself with the energy of Saturn and these associations came about as a result of how differently we had grown up as children. My brother also has Chiron in his 9th house, the same house mine is placed in. I’m not sure how to interpret that, but him having Mars conjunct Chiron sounds like a disaster.


    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    I was watching a Tyler, The Creator interview. I noticed the way he spoke was really unique; it wasn’t that he struggled to form sentences. The way he formed sentences, though, was just different. I said to myself, “he’s gotta be a Pisces Mercury” and sure enough he is!

  • cdgbv88

    February 1, 2021 at 12:17 pm

    Scorpio stellium cuz his eyes were intense and creepy af

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