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Forums Forums Tarot Tarot cards that indicate no romantic feelings

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    Hello everyone!

    I’m still learning tarot and sometimes I look for cards’ meanings online just to get more insight. I looked for every 78 card’s meaning as feelings and it seems to me that every card seems to always have some feelings involved, even the cards that we would rafter not see in a reading, specially a love reading. For example, I’ve seen The Death as “that person thinks the relationship is over” or The Tower as “that person doesn’t feel safe” or the 6 of Swords as “that person’s feelings are going in the right direction, they’re starting to get feelings”.

    I know there aren’t good or bad cards but what if the querent is asking about someone who doesn’t have romantic feelings for them? What cards would you interpret as the absence of romantic feelings?

    Thank you so much in advance.

    Edit: I don’t read reversals so I would prefer answers about upright cards as reversals confuse me ahaha

  • Tarot cards that indicate no romantic feelings

     Maverick updated 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • lavenderRaiinbow

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    4 of cups. Disinterest or boredom.

  • Et-Gaudium

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    Like others mentioned, every card has its feelings that can be interpreted in relation to the question you have, even in a love situation if you know for sure. But if you have no clue if someone has romantic feelings and you want to know, the lovers (ofc) and the cups cards as significators of feelings ( ace, two, ten of cups, knight, page etc) can point to that. But for example, if you are asking about a person and you get the four of cups and six of pentacles it would mean they aren’t actually in love, but accepting your offers/are involved becouse they gain something of it.

    P. S when doing such readings I pay attention a lot to the position of the cards(who’s facing who) and numbers/colors, it gives extra info 🙂

  • Sleavlog

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    All cards are relevant in a reading and their meanings depend on the question. Therefore all 78 cards relate to whatever subject is asked. So there aren’t any fixed meanings that you can learn because they depend on the layout and on the question.

    Likewise there aren’t any cards which have specific meanings for love or any other subject. They all apply to the subject at hand, so there aren’t any specific cards that convey lack of romantic interest since they all are relevant.

  • Plantsandboba

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    Are you asking about platonic feelings? Like “how does this person feel” in general? I think you can still incorporate feelings into them by the energy of the card, like for example 6 of swords could be feeling like distancing themselves for the time being or three of cups feeling they want to celebrate/gather with you for fun

  • CanadianJeep79

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    I was gonna say the Hermit, but he’s dating the Palm Sisters 🙌

  • [deleted]

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    Buy the Tarot D’amour book. It may not resonate with how you read. I just suggest it because it literally turns every card meaning about love and relationships. So I whip that book out when someone wants to look at relationships, romance or sexual readings.

  • blazingcole

    August 9, 2021 at 4:15 am

    [Here’s a helpful guide for ways to read reversals.]( If you know the basic meaning of a card (for example, 2 of cups = a growing connection), reversed 2 of cups could be falling out of love or a stagnant relationship.

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