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Forums Forums Astrology “THE AGE OF AQUARIUS”

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    long story short, we haven’t entered the Age of Aquarius.   

    the Age of Aquarius refers to an over 2,000 year period relating to the precession of the equinoxes. this cycle is independent & distinct from the Jupiter/Saturn cycles.  

    I completely understand why this can be confusing, as the terminology was co-opted by the New Age movement & used to promote a spiritual ideal relating to “ascension.” but before we unpack that, here are the micro & macro Jupiter/Saturn cycles:   

    • “The Great Conjunction” (Jupiter/Saturn): every 20 years • Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in the same element: 120 – 240 years  • Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions reoccurring in the same element: 800 year cycle   

    therefore the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on December 21st represented the shift of the macro-cycle from Earth to Air. Air energy is composed of Libra, Aquarius & Gemini.   

    even if the Age of Aquarius didn’t refer to something else, it isn’t entirely accurate to say that the Jupiter/Saturn era in Air is limited to only the sign of Aquarius.   

    reality is, the elements aren’t ranked in terms of superiority: Air is not inherently better than Earth. rather, it’s a cycle that is qualitatively different: the material/physical versus ideas/intellect. Austin Coppock summed it up perfectly by saying “the future is here, it’s just not evenly distributed.”   

    from a technical standpoint, Saturn may prefer its diurnal domicile in Aquarius, but it’s reductive to assume things are just going to .. improve. unlike Earth energy, Air is difficult to contain. we’re trading the outdated stability for anxious uncertainty.

    edit: searching through the sub & u/StellaGraphia wrote a really great piece on the topic with lots of links to resources explaining this in more detail, [I’ve linked in here](

    Clearing up confusion about the upcoming Jupiter/Saturn conjunction and the Age of Aquarius (this is not the start of the Age of Aquarius)
    byu/StellaGraphia inastrology


    sunmoonsquare updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • az4th

    February 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    > long story short, we haven’t entered the Age of Aquarius.

    Thanks for explaining that the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions in air signs aren’t definitively linked to an entry into an “Age of Aquarius.”

    How do you recommend we know when we CAN say for certain we have entered an “Age of Aquarius”?

    How do we identify a before and after? Where is the cusp? To me the notion of cusps and critical degrees indicates a heightened intensity around the cusp, around the beginnings and endings. It is by this that we can possibly identify when such a transition is taking place. And, it is unlikely we will have appropriate context until after we come out the other side.

    It is common for us to think we live in unprecedented times. Common for us to process each major change as it is of the life and death of our culture and times. So it is difficult for us to say. Our perspectives are too small within the vast expanse of the change of epochs.

    And yet, this change does feel *significant*. We *can* do something with it that leads us away from one paradigm and into a new one. That is *worth* tapping into.

    It is what is before us. Maybe we are on the threshold of a new age. Maybe we aren’t. *Maybe it is up to us to grasp an available potential and step into the new paradigm on our own.*

    What we feed grows.

  • M_Sia

    February 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    It can intermix. Nothing is set in stone or precise. You’re spreading misinformation also as it’s not exact.

  • Bungula_

    February 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    But the important thing is the exact time when we enter into Aquarius age from Pisces one. It’s precise year is unclear unfortunately

  • RyeKei

    February 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    Nobody knows about the age of the earth for sure so this is kinda stupid. Astrology is not a religion, we don’t need some kind of authority to tell us what age are we in, let people speculate and theorized what they want according to their own understanding. As for me this is definitely the Age of Aquarius, there’s too much going on for it to be a coincidence. We have 12 zodiacs and he cycle is about 2000 years for each age, so that makes it 24000 years in total (6, 12, 24. You know the whole stuff). The Age of Pisces began 2000 years ago with Christ, so yes it makes sense to me we are alraedy in the dawn of the Age of Aquarius now.

    Vedic and Western Astrology differ when it come to the ages of the Zodiacs. 25,000, 26,000, 25,100 etc etc etc whatever bullshit. I just simply decided with a fix 24000 years which correspond to our 24 hours a day system.

  • AmNotARobot123

    February 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    Age of Aquarius will start in 2025 probably with Pluto transitting

  • sunmoonsquare

    February 1, 2021 at 2:02 pm

    Reddit only gets the highlights, so if you’re interested in busting more astro misconceptions, reading sporadic transit analysis, or New & Full Moon horoscopes, [check out my page here](

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