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    Consciousness is like a set of nesting dolls, they sit within each other, opening one leads to the next. To get to the Akashic Records, mind states must be achieved one at a time until the last voice remains in the still.

    # The Tree of Life


    [Tree of Life](

    The center channel of the tree of life is a set of five circular balls connecting the very top of the tree and the very bottom of the tree at hearts center (sun). The five balls represent the five mind states active within the human mind. Understanding each state of minds purpose and function helps you to unlock the next state of mind and so on.

    * Body – Physical Body – Five Senses
    * Unconscious – Thoughts and Feelings
    * Consciousness – Action and Mental Awareness
    * Unconscious – Memory
    * Collective Conscious – Intuition

    Ok? So how do I do that?

    # The Seven Energies within the Body along the Spine.

    To communicate between the mind and body the spine creates a clear channel. When the body or mind speaks, little nerves carry the message between the sender and receiver like a crow carrying a royal decree. To keep the message accurate and not misunderstood, little energy power stations push and pull energy between the upper and lower body fluently with breath, blood and other rivers of flow within you. This is WHY the flow of breath is so important, to keep your crow in the air and flying until reaching its destination. To maintain your energy flow, bring awareness to these seven power plants and give them a little kick, to help the city in your body functioning at full power.

    # Supercharge your Seven Chakra’s

    The Seven chakras are cleaned, maintained and jump started by the five senses.

    **Crown – Mind (Thoughts/Memories) – Internal**

    * 3rd Eye – Seeing
    * Throat – Hearing
    * Heart – Feeling
    * Solar Plex – Smell
    * Sacral – Taste

    **Root – Body (Action) – External**

    Go in to a state of mindfulness, turning on your chakra’s by lighting your energy candle. Start with the top of your head and “sense” each sense. What you are trying to do is balance your energy polarity by not only activating the senses but balancing them equally to create a harmonious flow. You achieve this by experiencing each sense on both the left and right side of the body. An example of this is Pranayama breathing exercise, where you plug one nostril to use the other and vise versa. While we will be including this later sometime in the future to wake Kulundi and your higher power, right now you are learning to use the nose for smelling to develop a active intuitive Clair.

    # To See Clearly in the Dark

    To exercise the eyes look out one eye and point out 5 objects in the room. Then do the same thing on the reverse side, but since clairvoyance is the fifth smallest doll, you need to start training the eyes right away to activate it.

    You are going to create a 3 points in your minds eye by experiencing three points of perception. Practice channeling each state of perception by doing five cycles of three. The three perceptions are:

    Focused: With blinders on completely focused on an object or person

    Peripheral: Looking externally on either side like a horse.

    3rd Eye: Look up to the center point of your four head like a triangle, and hold.

    With eyes closed…Cycle through these three points of perspective.

    **Can you think of some exercises to start train the five senses: Seeing, Hearing, Touching, Smelling, Tasting for the Clairs?**

  • The Chakra System to Develop Psychic Ability.

     SuperfriendsK updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • [deleted]

    July 3, 2023 at 10:00 pm

    whats that black circle? Ive only heard it mentioned once

  • [deleted]

    July 3, 2023 at 10:00 pm

    also the supercharge list is helping me see more in a different perspective learning about my chakras.

  • smilelaughenjoy

    July 3, 2023 at 10:00 pm

    There is a quote that is attributed to Michelangelo (the one who made the statue of David and a statue of an angel), *”I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”*

    I think it’s important to remember and remind ourselves that the larger part of ourselves (Spirit), is already psychic (since those abilities are natural to Spirit), and we don’t have to worry about techniques to become more psychic, we just have to stay opened to Spirit by remembering that we already have these abilities and it is natural for Spirit, which allows the psychic abilities to come through more and more. I think that animals and babies are already intuitive but as people grow older, they forget or become less sensitive to their abilities. Animals can usually sense when a heavy storm or when strong natural weather is coming towards them and move away, even though they have no radars to monitor the weather like humans do.

    As for an exercise, I think it’s important to stay sensitive by remembering to pay attention to our feelings and instincts, because the more that we can be in tune with who we truly are and with what really makes us feel happier and more at peace, we can be more easily guided by our true and honest nature and more easily feel intuitive instincts.

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