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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing The ranting thoughts I promised

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    Backstory: a few days ago I promised to return after I finished at work and explain a thing I thought up since it takes more time than sitting in the restroom allowed. u/Lvl8_Flumph did remind me of that failure to uphold my word. Original post and topic here-[\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](

    Disclaimer: I have attempted to relearn a little coding to make the above prettier \[edit- it didn’t work\], and I haven’t written an essay in over a decade. This will not be pretty. You have been warned.


    Faith. Faith is in a lot of ways a self fulfilling emotion. If you have faith in a thing, anything positive will reinforce the belief, likewise, anything negative will disprove it or be disregarded.

    Lets take for example near death experiences, where many “find their faith.” We will use two hypothetical people, in the same hypothetical situation. Trapped in a collapsed building with no way to contact the outside. Many will start praying to the god (or goddess, or pantheon) they are most familiar with. Simply because it is all they know to do in this case, regardless of how their faith was before in that deity. For the other example we want a very different extreme, because a lot of witches were already covered in the last statement. This example person, lets say they decide to start meditating to cast a wide beacon type spell to anyone who may be searching for them. Effectively they are just quietly spiritually screaming for any being to hear them.

    Now both examples are being quiet and listening for sounds of someone digging, or tapping something nearby in a pattern so they can be found faster.

    The only difference in these examples is what they are placing their faith in, and when they are found their faith in what they decided to believe in is justified because it worked in their head.

    by from discussion

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