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Forums Forums Psychic The Sin of Being Psychic: Charging for readings.

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    **Dante’s view of Soothsayers and Fortunetellers**

    For a guided tour inside the crook and crannies of Hells Heated inferno, Dante Alighieri’s 14th century Divine Comedy, is an off the beaten path tell-all of the underworld.

    Inferno, part-one of the three-part poems takes place on the eve of Good Friday in a dark wood. Ready to face his own ruin. Main character Dante finds himself in the cravens of hell. Each with their own residence of lost souls and eternal punishments.

    >they had their faces twisted toward their haunches
    >and found it necessary to walk backward,
    >because they could not see ahead of them.
    >… and since he wanted so to see ahead,
    >he looks behind and walks a backward path.

    Inferno, Canto XX, lines 13–15 and 38–39, Mandelbaum translation.

    The sinners in the fourth plane are those claiming to foresee spirituality as a method of profit. Punished with twisted faces to view only what preceded them. Here lost souls walk in reverse, through puddles of tears, in a never-ending circle of eroded predatory.

    # Your true purpose is to serve others…get over it!

    **A Palm Reading in the Park.**

    In the summer I lived in the Beaches of Toronto. This easy breezy community attracted some colorful characters without the tourist overload of the downtown. At this time I was fully employed as a full-time telephone psychic reader. A small Canadian hotline business limited to 10 minutes a call. Unlike the greedy money hungry, psychic starving, Fortunetelling friends of the united states. For all the psychics from that era, my sympathy is with you…although this internet thing was not a bad reverse of Karma!

    >True Fact: Miss Cleo paid her psychic reader’s $16 an hour…not bad for 1999!
    >1 hour of paid time includes accumulated paid minutes.
    >Paid Minutes do not include:
    >First 3 Minutes of free time
    >Space of log on time between calls
    >Complaint or refunded client paid minutes
    >Goal: Keep the clients on the phone for as long as possible… and you will be flushed with constant calls!

    Unable to view my clients live. I loved studying the eccentric mannerisms of other psychics. On this beautiful sunny day in the rocky beaches, I happened to be seated next to a Palm Reader!

    “Do you have five dollars?” The shaggy Bohemian spoke after offering a reading. Five dollars! This person was clearly not in touch with the reality of the psychic industry.

    **Psychic Scams**

    In 2018 Ontario cities burst into the news headlines, with a curious case of one psychic being charged with an ancient law of Witchcraft!

    >365 Every one who fraudulently
    >(a) pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration,
    >(b) undertakes, for a consideration, to tell fortunes, or
    >(c) pretends from his skill in or knowledge of an occult or crafty science to discover where or in what manner anything that is supposed to have been stolen or lost may be found,
    >is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

    365 [Repealed, 2018, c. 29, s. 41]

    Luckily, I have never, or will never “pretend” to be a psychic! Knowing our law enforcement was working hard on shutting down “fake” fortunetellers made my patriotic heartbeat with pride. Welcome to Canada…imposter’s need not apply!

    **So… what is the rule on charging for readings?**

    Currently psychic’s do not require a license or certificate to charge for readings. An online reader averages an income of $5000 USD a month.

    Don’t be fooled… in a me, me, me world, authenticity is your only lifeline! Ratings, social media, bogging sites, fraud reporting sites…you upset the wrong person, and your reputation will be slaughter, publicized and dragged through the mud for the rest of your life!


    [Psychic Sylvia Browne](

    People receiving a free reading want you to be a real psychic willing to help, playing clients are much more skeptical. If you are truly meant to be a psychic… you will, and there is nothing saying you can’t live well being at the service of others. I have been so professionally for twenty years and value each and everyone of my clients that helped me provide a lovely life for my family, and hours of free time to play on Reddit!

    **Don’t trick, if you are worth it… charge an amount that shows your expertise and experience.**


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