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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Theory Thursday

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    Share your theories about any aspect of witchcraft!

    Metaphysical properties, spellcrafting, combinations, mythos — Feel free to share with us your theories on what you’ve been pondering.

  • Theory Thursday

  • AutoModerator

    June 26, 2022 at 8:06 am

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    by inwitchcraft

  • Prestigious-Fun-5877

    June 26, 2022 at 8:06 am

    Superstring theory research is getting us a step closer to understanding how witchcraft a loophole to the limitations of our natural world.

    So far the consensus is that our existence is confined to the natural laws of physics, meaning we are structures consistent of atoms; protons, neutrons and electron particles set in place by their gravitational forces existing in the vacuum of space, however we very recently have “discovered” the existence of “dark matter”, the very real fabric that fills all the voids of space, time and the natural order. Science has evaded the topic of the spiritual realm because it’s not something that can be “observed and tested” but the fact that we know now that matter exist that operates outside of that natural order is a HUGE win for the followers of witchcraft.

    Now superstring theory is a study in particle physics; the particles that make up protons, neutrons and electrons (because yes atoms are not the smallest structures in the universe) and that dictate the why and how those tiny structures operate.. think of it as the study of why a water atoms stays as a water atom and why it can only modify in certain conditions.. like why water can only turn into an ice from with lack of heat or excess heat turns it into gas.

    Now all of our understanding of how elemental particles work with gravity dictates that we can only exist in 3 dimensions, length, with and depth.. meaning that ONLY what can be observed exist… however dark matter challenges that, because dark matter functions in a way that defies 3 dimensions, now the closest we have gotten to understand how dark matter can exist is with string theory.

    String theory mathematically and accurately accounts for the existence of our natural laws, the laws of quantum physics, particle physics and GRAVITY, it states that essentially the elemental particles or “quarks” that make up protons, neutrons and and electrons make them behave the way they do because they are interconnected with tiny “strings of energy”, but there is a catch… we cannot see elemental particles even with the strongest of microscopes because photons (the tiny light particles that bounce off atoms back into our eyes can’t actually touch elemental particles, meaning our biological organ eyes are blind to them, it also states (AND THIS IS WHERE THE SPIRITUAL WORLD COMES IN) that in order for our world as we understand it to exist, and for dark matter (which we have discovered) to co exist in space, we actually live in a 9-dimensional plane, and these tiny strings which connect quarks and atoms can very realistically be holding 6 overlapping dimensions in our world.

    And because we coexist and are made up at a particle level of these elemental particles, it’s VERY plausible that these other dimensions is where the spiritual realm resides..

    Unfortunately string theory is extremely complicated and relies on heavy quantum physics and calculus concepts to coherently put into “laymen’s terms” BUT the discovery of dark matter shows us that the laws of physics are not the absolute baseline for what we are and how we exist.

    If you want to go down the rabbit hole approach the following topics as “ways to prove witchcraft”

    – Elemental particles
    – Quantum gravity
    – Dark Matter
    – Super string theory

  • Redz0ne

    June 26, 2022 at 8:06 am

    I’ve learned that it isn’t always a case of shoving enough energy to a particular problem… I’ve had spells that I’ve cast (most were “on the spot” spells though so little prep-time) that just failed to resolve when I shoved energy at the problem.

    So perhaps there needs to be some insight into where this energetic pressure is to be applied, and how. I think this is one reason why working with a deity is effective because they can see the situation from all angles and they know precisely how much energy to apply, and where. (Though, downside to this is they may prevent the spell from manifesting for whatever reason.)

    Though there /are/ a few cases where i’ve charmed items on-the-spot and they’ve worked… and all I did was close my eyes, summon that deep stillness of mind, and let the energies align in the object I was charming (likely directed by my subconscious mind.) So, perhaps the energy-working aspects of witchcraft are not wholly necessary? I don’t know, it kinda conflicts with my paradigm to think that energy working is not necessary (I mean, it’s a relatively new concept in metaphysical circles after all.)

    That being said, I do know that you can use energy for spells. I’ve made servitors out of my own energy before.

    So there’s definitely something in this equation that posits that energy-working helps… though I don’t think it’s altogether wholly necessary (unless your paradigm requires it, I guess.)

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