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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Theory Thursday

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    Share your theories about any aspect of witchcraft!

    Metaphysical properties, spellcrafting, combinations, mythos — Feel free to share with us your theories on what you’ve been pondering.

  • Theory Thursday

  • AutoModerator

    May 7, 2022 at 9:56 am

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    by inwitchcraft

  • TheSleepingChimera

    May 7, 2022 at 9:56 am

    I was thinking about love spells the other day and how they’re pretty notorious for being a “careful what you wish for” thing, resulting in obsessive behaviour from the target, like stalking. Usually, I’ve seen this presented as being a kind of consequenc because you messed with someone’s free will, as though that automatically creates undesirable results as a sort of punishment.

    But, there are a lot of spells that influence the free will of another person and aren’t known for this. My circle has used a new job spell as needed for years that in ots design draws the potential employer to see your good intentions and benefit to the business. Protection also gets into this, usually with a “go away stay away” vibe, which is influencing the will of others.

    And then I remembered an article I read years ago that basically alleged that a study had found that love (possibly specifically romantic, it’s been a while and I don’t remember exactly) lights up a number of areas of the brain that are also active in people with OCD. And I, very in love, thought “actually I can see that”. The amount of attention that we give to someone we love, knowing and caring about them as much as ourselves, finding comfort in doing certain things, such as saying “have a good day” before leaving for work every day and feeling anxious if that doesn’t happen definitely huma some of the same notes as OCD. Now, obviously, they’re not the same thing.

    But if being in love is, in some ways, OCD Lite (fewer calories!), there’s a reason for those love spell horror stories that doesn’t have anything to do with morality. The obsessive, can’t take no for an answer, stalker behaviour would be because the spell has cranked up obsessive and anxious brain happenings and because it’s not something that happened naturally, the person’s ability to combat it is lessened. Which is to say, the spells that get this result aren’t generally built with a “if things are bad, undo” clause, their focus is obsessing someone with someone else. Just a think I was having.

  • [deleted]

    May 7, 2022 at 9:56 am


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