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Forums Forums Psychic Theory vs Practice: Checking in… How are you progressing with your psychic status?

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    *You can learn all the theories and understand the concept down to the core. … There is a huge difference between theory vs. practice. Theory assumes an outcome, while practice allows you to test the theory and see if it is accurate*. –

    One day my best friend the diabetic had a great idea! Being forced to prick her little finger everyday, retrieving blood was not a big deal… for either of us. “Let’s become blood sisters!” she proudly suggested. “I have a better idea…” I curiously rebutted, “Lets put the blood in water and conjure demons!” I won… Unfortunately, my afterschool daycare teacher got suspicious when we requested a “scary looking black bowl”, instantly shutting down our medium session.

    I am an active practicing witch, psychic, astral traveler, and medium since the age of 10. My difference between theory vs practice is… Anyone can talk about being psychic, but until your ARE one, the theory is lost behind a veil of ignorance.

    **Past lives**

    >““Mom! Your not listening! That is me!”

    – Me… screaming in a magic show in Salem MA, talking about the infamous Elizabeth Báthory.

    To scry for past lives, fill a black bottom bowl halfway with water, adding two drops of blood, and a sprinkle of salt.

    In August I will be teaching you how to connect to your previous lives. Past lives are a passion of mine and have been practicing with every tool of prediction to access them since a little girl.

    That day in the land of witches, I was wrong. My connection to this bathing blood beauty was not material, but did carry her with me throughout my life.

    Next was a curious reading was from a psychic who told me I was Bloody Mary – Mary Tudor of England! Again, this rang true! My mother said when I started to talk, I would complain, “We don’t have enough help around here!” I grew up in a co-op… there was no “help”.

    However, if you have read previous posts you know my fear of “Bloody Mary!” I am a grown woman and today still WILL NOT look in the bathroom mirror with the lights off.

    So, while this reading did connect the dots to some important details, such as I was a spoiled important female with a very strong evil side… Miss Mary still did not fit!

    After taking my spiritual journey from psychic to High Priestess, unlocking past lives is a lot easier, and clearer. Sitting in full trance mode scribbling my heart out in automatic writing I got my answer… Marie Delphine Macarty. The Bloody Mary of the South! …and who I share a middle name of “Marie” with in this current life.

    I personally have been studying the Antebellum for years… with no real purpose! This is the world of Poe, and BARNUM! and… ghastly soul doing horrible things.

    Coming to the realization your previous life was a vampire, and not a nice one, another random thing I used to tell my mother… is difficult. However, being in-touch with the era I understood her intention, and my lesson in this life.

    Antebellum means pre revolutionary war, me and Marie, were on the future losing side. Tracing her family roots, her father and uncle were some pretty crazy freemasons who dabbled in the dark arts in New Orleans. Being a female, I don’t feel I was privy to occult information, but see a large library of information in the main house, which I read frequently. I believe… Marie was using the blood of slaves to read as an oracle. Imagine what she saw! Her whole family being killed and deprived of all material wealth to bankruptcy, in a horrible war. What she did next… I can not allow myself to live through, at least not at this time.

    The point is… my afterschool daycare teacher was correct… scrying with blood is not in the cards for this lifetime!

    I am not a teacher; I only know because this is how I learned! Take the time to do the silly exercises, because they are the first steps to unlocking the psychic universe.

    I do want to take a poll of prediction tools but know most of us have more than one. Please let me know in the comments section if you own any or all of the following items:

    Tarot Cards


    Scrying Mirror

    Crystal Ball


  • Theory vs Practice: Checking in… How are you progressing with your psychic status?

     SuperfriendsK updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • lalamommy25

    December 8, 2021 at 1:12 pm

    Tarot cards

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