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Forums Forums Astrology Thesis: Aquarius age and Aquarius season are the harbinger factor of the big revolution on WallStreet happening with the GameStop Price Squeeze

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    Hi all,

    what’s your opinion about this.

    by now, probably everyone has heard about how the members of r/wallstreetbets are defying the wallstreet hedge funds. making them bleed billions of losses, with no end in sight. how wallstreet, the SEC, the mainstream media, and investors are deploying every sketchy trick in the book to make the price increase stop. but people are holding together against them all. against the hacking, against the disruption, the blocks, the fake news articles, the villainification on CNBC and FOX Business and other media, the flood of new bots members and hedge funds implants trying to distract with other stocks (divide and conquer style). NASDAQ CEO just said that they are considering halting so the “investors can callibrate” the attack from reddit retailers.
    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is tweeting how it is funny that they cry about market volatility only when the rich are bleeding, but when the crisis of 2008 happened, the banks got tax money aid, while the average joe lost his home, couldn’t pay student loans and lost his job. well the average joe is buying gamestop now in solidarity with wallstreetbets. a lot of people are buying in to support the cause. fear is being replace by hate towards the broken system of fat cats. the stock is getting a gigantic gamma sqeeze this Friday to reach records high, then it will get a short squeeze next week to even higher.

    Hedge funds, market makers, brokers, banks and stock exchanges are going to go bankrupt. and all we have to do is endure their mind games with resolve and HOLD on selling together.

    Now finally my astrology take:

    As you all know, the age of Aquarius has just started after a millennia of age of Capricorn, couple that with the Aquarius yearly season starting as well. if this GameStop revolution is not the biggest Aquarius taking over Capricorn move I have seen I don’t know what is.

    this will be taught in the books yet to come.

    what do you think, astrology wise about this?
    Do you think the big conjunction has a stake in this as well? I mean the Jupiter (the prosperous) conjunct the sun (the season) conjunct Saturn (KARMA) IN Aquarius the start of the Aquarius age and Aquarius season. I think so. yet I never would have anticipated it would have manifested in this order of magnitude.


    Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor and I do have a lot of stake in this squeeze.

  • Thesis: Aquarius age and Aquarius season are the harbinger factor of the big revolution on WallStreet happening with the GameStop Price Squeeze

    megamonay updated 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 32 Replies
  • Ambitious-Yam-680

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    It’s more than just wall street, though there is about to be a revolution within the bull market. There is an uprise in Crypto and having it as a more union network that isn’t controlled by one set of institutions, especially with square Uranus in Taurus. This is the time to buy or learn about crypto and blockchain- it will help kill banking institutions that are managed by the government.

    You’re right that the Sun passing over the conjunction helped bring the conjunction to light. There is a universal collective swift of changes happening where more and more people are saying no to the old ways and trying to insight the changes themselves since so much of government and institutions are falling on their deaf ears. I’m ready for a revelation. I see in the next 3-4 years that this is going to be a very active time.

  • potatocodes

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Definitely in line with Aquarius age. Also I find it insightful that out of all the stocks that would signify the beginning of an economic transformation it was GameStop. Literally masses stopping Wall Street’s corrupt game that had free reign for too long.

  • StellaGraphia

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Just one thing. This is NOT the Age of Aquarius. Nope. Not for a few centuries. People have confused the “Great Conjunction” cycle (the jupiter/saturn conjunction cycle) with the Age of Aquarius. They are two different, unrelated things. the Great Conjunction that just happened last month kicked off not just a new 20 year cycle, but also a new 200 year cycle in just air signs – in each of the 3 air signs (it’s occurred in earth signs for the past 200 years). This is what people seem to find confusing.

  • justsylviacotton

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    I was thinking that the venus pluto conjunction in cap had something to do with this also. Venus represents money, pluto represents the underbelly of everything and capricorn represents old power structures add the 3 together and its basically what happened, this exposed how corrupt the stock market is ( pluto) and its basically rigged in such a way that only a certain group of people benefit and it has been that way for a long time ( capricorn) it has to do with money( venus). Uranus the planet of disruption and change is in venus’s home in taurus the sign of material possession so its ruler conjunct pluto activated all that. Saturn the ruler of capricorn is in the conjunction in aquarius and was just conjunct the sun ( the stock market being taken over by a subreddit is very Aquarian lol, the power of bringing all that people together for one goal through technology is also very aquarian) bringing all this to light. It’s also almost in conjunction with jupiter. The moon representing the people was in opposition with everything in aquarius, so all this definitely makes sense astrologically.

  • FireSail

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Mars and Uranus fucking up Taurus’s favorite things – money and stability.

    Jupiter getting the gang together. Sun is saying “yeah let’s do it.” Mercury spreading the word. Saturn saying “pay back time.”

  • aphaesh

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    It doesn’t hurt that today is a full moon in Leo ????????????????????

  • Rilauven

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Corporations have thousands of times more wealth and influence than both political parties put together. They are the real evil and THIS is how you fight them.

  • intheclerbweallfam

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    I totally see this interpretation!

  • jasmine_tea_

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Wow I’m out of the loop on this. Interesting times!

  • sleepy-and-sarcastic

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    it’s just saturnian and Uranian energy playing out together I feel

  • manovermars

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Jupiter feeling all up on Aquarius can create massive following, immense wealth and expansion. It’s actually crazy tbh. I’m on the GME wave (Vedic astrologer as well) and when I heard, I wasn’t surprised at all tbh. It’s only right the financial system gets shaken in AQ Szn.

  • drumgrape

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    This is really interesting, esp with so many planets in Aquarius right now.

    Also the sun is trining my natal Jupiter in the 8th, and after 2-3 years of trying I finally paid off all my debt yesterday! The transiting Jupiter is almost conjunct my natal Saturn as well. Would be interesting to look at Jupiter/Saturn and people power takebacks.

  • Ereignis23

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    Age of aquarius taking over after a millennium of the age of capricorn. No. What? Lol

  • Elelavrie

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    This is pure, unadulterated Uranus in Taurus energy. The last time was in the middle of the Great Depression to the beginning of WW2.

  • yooyoooyoooo

    January 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm

    buy amc and hold

    buy doge and hold

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