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Forums Forums Astrology They say pisceans do not have boundaries, unlike cancer and scorpio, but I disagree

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    I find that a lot of pisceans are even more closed off, guarded, and suspicious than the cancers an scorpios I meet. Even if pisceans are more sensitive and empathic-like than the other two signs, I find that this makes them more reserved than cancers and scorpios. I have a lot of scorpio and cancer friends who have continually been burned in love by clinging to toxic relationships. While the pisceans I know tend to avoid relationships/even friendships at all costs unless they completely trust the person.

    Of course, this would depend on other placements in the chart and is a subjective opinion based simply on experiences.

    I just think the idea that pisceans have no boundaries and self-protection mechanisms is a myth. They most certainly can be the most hypersensitive and empaths of the zodiac and can be idealistic dreamers, but I've seen a lot of them with fierce boundaries.

Reply to: Agreeable_Doctor9450
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