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    Another kind Redditor asked for the story of my awakening in regards to a separate post. I answered there but thought it might help someone posted this way too.

    I have been ridiculously sensitive all my life, in almost every way imaginable. But spiritual or metaphysical sensitivity eluded me, or so I thought until recently.

    The paranormal has always fascinated me so I read plenty about it and still do: things like cryptid subreddits, ghost stories I would read aloud to my husband, and Jezebel’s yearly spooky story contest (which you should check out if you haven’t!).

    But in particular 2 books changed my life. The first was Sister of Darkness by Rachel Stavis, which is her account of being able to see and remove spiritual attachments from people. While half way through reading the book, I started to feel nauseous and soon realized I was experiencing a vibrational shift and more specifically, one of my own attachments leaving me as she had described. I continued using the technique Rachel talks about in her book and got rid of several attachments that way. There was even an attachment behind me, pressing down on my shoulders for years, making my posture out of whack though I didn’t realize that until it was gone. In addition to Rachel’s technique, I have found that pulling energy from your heart chakra and aiming it at the attachment works even faster. Bonus points for telling it you love it and are sending it to Source where they will experience only love. Attachments are after all, part of the divine, lower vibrational entities or not. It’s something that I still work on, usually while doing yoga. For instance, there’s one on my second chakra that I’ve been working on for days now.

    The second is a series of books by Dolores Cannon. I think Between Death and Life was the first one, followed by the Custodians and the Convoluted Universe series. These books resonated with me like nothing had. These led me to acknowledge my guides which led to a continually blooming relationship with them.

    But the thing that really cracked me open was when my husband booked me a Zoom session with Rachel Stavis. It was a birthday gift, meant as a novelty. I thought I might learn about my guides or ancestors who have passed. But what she said at the start of our session floored me. “I’m getting a lot of psychic medium energy from you”, she said. What followed was my incredulity. I had never seen ghosts, not even as a child. How could I be a medium if I don’t see spirits? But I remembered that kind ghost that was in the attic of my childhood home, the closet in my bedroom that I was frightened of, and the nasty whatever that was in the basement. Then of course it hit me – how did I know they were there? This was my discovery that I am primarily clairsentient. I usually don’t see or hear ghosts (though I do sometimes now), but I have always felt them. Rachel was the one who encouraged me to set up office hours for my mediumship. And the first time I did, my nasal chakra opened during it (for psychic communication). I was also counseled to start using copal followed by a higher vibrational oil in a diffuser to counter emotions that aren’t mine. We do this every day and it helps me, my husband, and my kids, because of course we are all empaths.

    Most fulfilling is the communication I have with my guides on a daily basis. We usually work with a positive pulse system. I ask a question and they pulse my third eye for yes. Sometimes I hear them though. When we have office hours they show me how the subject died by making me feel a benign version of the cause in my body. I can now identify precisely where my my liver is since I’ve had more than one with cirrhosis. Esophageal cancer. An explosion felt in the chest. The list goes on, and I’m just getting started. Once they were trying to show me how one died and I wasn’t getting it, so I asked them to show me text. I then saw “hepatitis “ in bold letters. My point is, there is a lot of improvising. Sticking with a rigorous Kundalini yoga practice helps to keep my chakras charged which helps me communicate with them. Some days it is clunky and I don’t get much. But other days are filled with life-changing epiphanies.

    Grounding and developing a discourse with Mother Earth has been immensely beautiful. Following that up with cleansing and shielding is essential.

    I expect that the books that got me here may not resonate with others; everyone likely has a different trigger. But tiny positive changes are always occurring within us, raising all of our vibrations. And your guides are working with you whether you realize it or not. So if you’re on this subreddit reading my rantings, I suspect you may be a little further along in the awakening process than you have yet admitted to yourself.

    Thank you for reading. I want to leave you with some truths I have discovered:

    The universe bends towards love.

    We are all a part of the divine.

    The divine is in everything. Everything.

    And it bears repeating, the universe bends towards love.

  • This Is How It Happened For Me

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • raluk0623

    November 10, 2021 at 1:01 am

    Thank you for sharing!
    I am an empath and all my life I have thought that I was too sensitive as others say.
    Had precognitive dreams, short visions of something that would happen before it happened. Predicted few of my girlfriends getting pregnant, the gender of their babies and the letter of their future names. Had sleep paralysis for 3 years, something really nasty additionally attached to my back and I managed to get rid of all these with love as you said, after being tormented for years.
    I had one of my guides advise me each time when I was desperate. He would play songs in my head , specifically certain lyrics and would calm and encourage me.
    I think that love, compassion and kindness is the way, for ourselves and how we should treat others.

  • FromTraumaToTarot

    November 10, 2021 at 1:01 am

    If you don’t mind me asking, how were you able to book a session with Rachel Stavis? She doesn’t seem to have a personal website. Thank you!

  • Taconnosseur

    November 10, 2021 at 1:01 am

    This was wonderful to read, thank you for sharing.

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