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    I started mindfulness meditation at 17. And 35 yrs later I am very proud of myself. i’ve traveled a lot, educated like hell, intelligent and yes I’ve experienced horrible things. I have experienced and still do experience the power of being a intuitive empath. I am thankful for the path to those experiences. I sincerely wish the same thing for you. Not the horrible just the understanding of how important empaths are. Our consciousness is one of the most powerful energies in the universe. our planet literally vibrates with it. We truly are the righteousness in this universe. You know your a blessing. I encourage you to come find out why. I encourage you to be proud and find strength in yourself. Let that positivity flow through you. You are a powerful being. Be damn proud of that. You earn it everyday.

    I choose Mindfulness which lead me to Buddhism. ive practiced Buddhism to various degrees for 20+ yrs. I still practice today. Its never meant more to me. I can not express the importance of Buddhism in my life. It has allowed me to live a incredible life. Also, thankfully it helps me stay ahead of my emotions. It allows me a suspended moment to think before I recognize the energy, frequency or vibration that is affecting me. I can stay out front of the incoming experience because the intuitive ability and then understand how it affects me. That helps me know when and how to define my boundaries. A lead wall or an open being.

    My path, my body, my mind, my consciousness, refuses to carry hate. I refuse to give hate any energy or time at all. I refuse to empower negativity. It is a disease. Negativity encapsulates the germ that feeds upon us. It drains us. Its repetitive, shallow and disconnected. It is the darkness to light. The wrong to the right. Understanding hate helps to define who we are and refuse to be. It is a necessary ingredient but not one that is required to be apart of our life. Understanding the depths of our emotions means understanding that creativity flows through us as well. Within Creativity we find all energy. The Physical and the celestial are the two parts of a empath. We are not singular. We are binary. We get to experience Creativity within the flow of our energy. Its there. It is the experience I love to slowly, drink in. Remember, you are connected to. You are not producing the power of the energy. That’s very important to define and understand.

    Buddhism has taught me how to deal with it. Understanding it for what it is. It has allowed me clarity to my connection of myself and the celestial. Buddhism taught me to find peace within my natural abilities. A play book to empower myself. Understanding the depths of negativity and positivity while keeping them compartmentalized. I understand their importance.

    I place importance on positivity the most. I want to feel the flow of its energy vibration and frequency through my body and mind. When you do not have hate or negativity to remove there is more room for other experiences or emotions or energy or vibrations or frequency. More room for your growth. I decided I was going to take a different pov. I decided I would be a kind, compassionate, loving, caring, open, intuitive empath. Its brought peace that is nourishing me today. I recommend a pov of focusing on positive in everything. Just decide, affirm and be chill about it. make peace your goal.

    I am comfortable knowing I can tell when someones vibrations or energy make me feel uncomfortable. I know how to shut it off. Comfortably. I say no that is not me. Learning your emotions through Mindfulness Meditation helps with that. Its an introduction to you. 10 mins a day can turn into medicine for your brain and body. Is it vibrations or energy? Learning “you” helps tremendously shut out the energy and vibrations you don’t want in. By simply turning it off. You can learn how to simply not recognize it. Learning who you are helps define those boundaries. when those boundaries begin to set a foundation it becomes a blessing to empower your abilities. Boom baby, im here. I promise you its one of the most incredible feelings. You are thankful for it and revel in its understanding. This is me. This is my energy. It is positive and it is connected to a 13.5 billion yr old energy. Powerfully defined.

    It’s a choice you make. Dystopia will always be there. It is an house of negativity. Ever creating an illness that doesn’t have to be. I encourage all empaths to study mindfulness meditation. Learn who you are so you can say yes comfortably. Learn how by learning what your emotions mean to you. Your boundaries. You already know your connected to an energy source that flows through you. Why not use that power to live comfortably. I promise you are 100% worth it. You are Consciousness. The most precise ingredient in the Universe. Build a foundation based on positive.

    Mindfulness Meditation introduces you to your emotions so you can understand who what why you are. Ive seen it work so many times Im confident it will help. if you decide to build that foundation why not make it one of love? Why not punctuate that when learning how to Meditate. Just decide I will build this foundation on love. You will learn how to control your connection to the flow of energy of the Universe. Love contains Good, Strength, Right, Truth. I recommend setting your boundaries, building a foundation on positive then explore your abilities.

    I know who I am. I carry no hate. I am at peace with being a conduit. I choose positive over negative. I hope this helps because i love you and this world we live in. Its a blessing to be here with you. I pray it is peaceful.

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