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Forums Forums Mediums Those of us who have these gifts, I challenge us to do more…this is why it was pointed out to me today, and I feel like I was part of a miracle

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    Yesterday afternoon, I took my dogs outside, there was a squirrel there and my dog of course ran to him but the lease was too short (intentionally). I’ve had a squirrel as a pet that was abandoned by its mother very young and she was raised by me and had a great life.

    This squirrel is from nature. My options were to walk away, throw him in the woods or put him on a stump, and neither option was ok.

    I think he’d fallen from a branch and wasn’t sure if he just had the wind knocked out of him and he needed a rest, or what the situation was with him, no bleeding, no pain, but he was going into shock, his teeth were chattering so much I could easily hear them. He was a very young boy.

    Once the chattering started, I ran in and got a fluffy towel that I wrapped around him. Immediately the shaking/chattering stopped.

    At that point, I decided that I’d bring him in and put him in my dog’s wire crate. I used a dog bed that belonged to one of my rescues who is no longer with me, and covered him with the towel. I put a bowl of water and chopped apple in there in case he needed that, and left him in the living room to keep dogs from terrifying him.

    I was planning for one of three options: a) he’d feel well enough to be able to be let out again; b) he’d still be ill (or possibly paralyzed from the fall), and I’d take him with me to the vet appt Monday and let him look him over and decide if he was going to survive; and, if not, peacefully euthanize him; or, c) that he’d pass away here and I’d bury him properly.

    This morning, he was still living, and I used a pipette to give him some water drops (his mouth was closing and opening repeatedly). I checked on him and did the same a few more times today. After I took the dogs out again and got them out of the way, I sat with him.

    He was no longer acting like he was thirsty, and it hit me that I’m a stranger to him. I decided to quietly sing, “Rainbow Connection” to him. This must have finally put him at ease, because he gently, with no struggle or fear, passed away while I was singing to him. That’s what he needed, and what a miracle to know that our gifts can make a big difference in many ways.

    I put everything outside, talked to him some more quietly, touched him since those two are the last senses to go, then covered him up, locked the cage so he won’t be attacked, and I’ll bury him later today (as a wild animal, once they pass, as many of you know, the lice start jumping ship, and I couldn’t have a lice infestation, that’s why I took him out so quickly once he passed.

    It’s so strange because this little guy impacted my life so dramatically in such a short time, and I hope that I allowed him to have a better death than being left alone in the grass (these are apartments, lots of other dogs, etc., and people throw away animals without respecting life).

    But it hit me that I really was the one who got the gift. Because in those few minutes, I was privileged to have the honor of connecting with him through the song, and being present to watch him peacefully cross over.

    That’s why I ask all of you to extend the use of your gifts to other living creatures, we can and should make a difference in their lives too when the situation arises and they need us.

    Be kind. Bring peace.

    Thank you

  • Those of us who have these gifts, I challenge us to do more…this is why it was pointed out to me today, and I feel like I was part of a miracle

  • Bentbutnotbroken111

    May 20, 2023 at 1:23 pm

    Beautiful……and I agree….I see it as a real honor to be able to be present, and to comfort creatures and people who are transitioning. While it’s not in my power to prevent those hard things from happening, knowing that they are feeling loved while in transition just makes me feel better

  • Awkward_Protection32

    May 20, 2023 at 1:23 pm’re such a beautiful soul and i’m really really lucky to have met you here💗💗

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