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Forums Forums Astrology Thoughts on opposite sun & moons?

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    I’m a Taurus sun & Scorpio moon, and I’m a very conflicted person. I feel like I’m constantly struggling between following my heart & my head, and the entirety of my twenties have been a train-wreck (I’m about to turn 30). Anyway.. can anyone relate? I’m finally getting comfortable with myself, but.. damn!

  • Thoughts on opposite sun & moons?

    kiersten25 updated 4 years ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • cabbagedestroyer

    January 30, 2021 at 9:17 am

    oh absolutely, virgo sun + pisces moon here and it’s a MESS

  • LaraWorsfold

    January 30, 2021 at 9:17 am

    I also have Capricorn sun, cancer moon and gemini rising too

  • Direction_Party

    January 30, 2021 at 9:17 am

    i’m a capricorn sun cancer moon and i feel like it’s a constant battle between listening to my emotions and listening to my head . to top it off i’m a gemini rising. i’m serious one minute and want to crack a joke the next. but i’m glad i feel this way, i feel like i give myself many perspectives to see things from and i feel like a very understanding and neutral person in most situations.

  • kiersten25

    January 30, 2021 at 9:17 am

    I don’t have this combination myself, in fact my sun actually conjuncts my moon but I do have a tendency to get along better with people who have sun opposite moon and also sun square moon. My best friend is a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon (which actually works out great for our house overlays since her sun falls in my 7th house and her moon falls in my 1st house), my cousin I’m closed to has a Leo sun, Aquarius moon and I’m sure I know more people but can’t think of them off the top of my head. I think I like people with this aspect because it gives them diversity and polarity from which I totally lack from my chart. I’m actually jealous of people with this aspect since their sun and moon basically complete one another and it’s like they have the best of both worlds. Also the fact that they were born on a full moon gives them a lot of energy in which I lack from being born on a new moon, so I guess they help me balance out a bit.

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