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Forums Forums Astrology Thoughts on Transiting Saturn Conjunct Natal Neptune?

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    Would love any wisdom. I can’t seem to “get” this transit, most sources I’ve read just describe it as a uncertain, gloomy time.

  • Thoughts on Transiting Saturn Conjunct Natal Neptune?

    SomeArcher77 updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • TheMost_ut

    May 17, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    Saturn passed through my 2nd house which has Neptune, Moon, Mars and Mercury. It’s hard to remember exactly when it was over my Neptune but there was a lot of financial uncertainty (2nd house). It was more difficult when it transited my natal moon.

  • x_Smarties_x

    May 17, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    This is what I found:

    Neptune rules dreams and illusions. Saturn rules “reality”. A stress aspect (conjunction, square, or opposition) from transiting Saturn to one’s natal Neptune can have two basic effects. First, is can make you worry about things that don’t exist or are not going to happen (Saturn depression and Neptune illusions). Second, it can make you see that some dream or fantasy you had will never happen. It may be time to give it up, painful as that is. On the other hand, the dream may be a good one and the Saturn transit will just be making you too pessimistic.

    For me it was this: Second, it can make you see that some dream or fantasy you had will never happen.

    And yes, very painful….

  • kpkelly09

    May 17, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    Not surprised you’re having trouble with this one. Neptune aspects are incredibly subtle because of Neptune’s nature. Neptune rules illusions, dreams, the spiritual, etc and it’s effect is a muddling one. Basically whatever it aspects gets muddled and confused. So it is easier to think about the themes of the planet it is aspecting and the signs and houses involved. So you have a conjunction with saturn which rules rules, institutions limitations, etc. It’s moved into conjunction with your natal Neptune so all of those hard saturn boundaries are a lot blurrier. Basically the most left brain planet is joined with the most right brain planet (symbolically). That should be a starting point to evaluate the themes, but how those play out will be affected by things like the house this is occurring in and the general condition of the planets (ie sect, sign placement, other aspects, etc.).

    A lot of us born around 1990 +/- a few years have that capricorn stellium with saturn and Neptune (and uranus). I have that stellium in my first house and makes for a complicated and dynamic sense of identity. At my core I’m an idealist, but that idealism is constantly checked by an equally core identity of realism. That duality can be quite a slog sometimes, but in my opinion gets to a more “useful” idealism.

  • jcrissnell

    May 17, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    I’ve already had it at the beginning of the year and I just felt tired. It was summer in my country and I usually feel motivated to do anything in that season but this time I didn’t, I just wanted to listen to music and rest. This may vary according on your chart and Neptune placement and aspects.

    There was also an upcoming conjunction with Mars which happened shortly after in February, and my family and I got ill. Everything was going on in my 1st house Placidus, 2nd house whole signs.

  • SomeArcher77

    May 17, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    No reason to expect more than uncertain gloomy times without knowing what other planets it will hit when it conjuncts your Neptune! My experience with this transit was pretty much coloured by Saturn conjunct my natal Moon at the exact same time, and whatever other transits you experience will colour the overall Saturn-Neptune transit and trigger different expressions of it, depending on the chart.

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