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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Tips for returning to Witchcraft

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    I’ll start this off with saying that I’m one of the baby witches that fell victim to witchtok and thinking every random leaf that fell in front of me was a spiritual sign. For the past 6/7 months I’ve been going back and forth with the ideals/practices I picked up while figuring out what spiritual path I want to go down, and during that time I happened to pick up witchcraft and deity worship. Fast forward maybe a month ago and I decided to take a break because of all the spells I cast, meditations I did, offerings I gave to deities, and even some information I read about in witch-related books I felt like it was getting me nowhere and maybe I was doing something wrong. Currently, I’m still sort of confused, but I’ve also been sort of clearing my mind on what I think is spiritual and what is not, and just a couple weeks ago not only did I see three crows standing together while I was on my way to church (only because I still live with my mother, Christianity has never really clicked with me), but I also saw a black cat cross the road (which could just be a mundane event, but the three crows did throw me off a bit).
    Fast forward again to now, and I’m wanting to pick it back up because I feel like now I’m more in touch with reality to where I can discern what’s really spiritual and what’s not, I’ve focused on myself more because I realized witchcraft/spirituality was taking over my mundane activities, and even now I’m sort of nervous about getting back into it because I don’t want to be delusional about everything like I used to.
    I also feel like I should start over my relationship with my deities (for reference I worship Hecate, Hades, and Eos), but I’m not sure how to approach it because, besides giving offerings, I haven’t done much more regarding their worship. I’m not even sure if they’re still the right deities for me, and I don’t want to be delusional and assume every deity I want to worship also wants to work with me. I’m really just looking for some direction/other’s experience on how they came back from a long (but much needed) break from their practice, especially when it comes to deity worship and spell work (past me hadn’t done ANY protection spells for myself and trust me, I still mentally scold myself for it).

  • Tips for returning to Witchcraft

  • MoonlightReadings

    August 3, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    If you would like to join a place where there are many resources on a large number of witchcraft topics, members to bounce ideas off of / share experiences with, etc. you are welcome to join the space I have. It is 18+ though and idk your age but I hope you are able to join. All experience levels & paths are welcome. It may help you on your path but no pressure to join obviously. I wish you luck on your search for guidance 🙂 [](

  • JE163

    August 3, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    I feel that there are a lot of people (myself once included) who get trapped in new age-y thinking where they will wish or want for things but never put in any of the mundane work needed to achieve it. Maybe they don’t even know how. But it “feels good” to worship, do spells, go to yoga retreats (– and in and of itself there’s nothing wrong with that) and that dopamine hit allows them to continue to ignore the reality that is around them.

    My point is that if you are looking to make changes or achieve goals, be sure to use all the tools availabile to you and don’t sit around waiting for a “one day” that will never come. Make that day today.

    Outside of that I am sure others here will give you far better advice than I can for the guidance you seek. Best of luck!!

  • BeeTheGoddess

    August 3, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    I’d start by stressing less about what’s spiritual and what isn’t. Part of pagan practice is appreciating the beauty, magic and natural synergy of the world. The earth Herself is spiritual, whether it’s three cows or any other number 🙂 Start by noticing and connecting to what is, without needing it to be anything more then it is. Then see what happens, without needing anything else to happen 🙂

  • farfignoogan

    August 3, 2023 at 12:59 pm

    I would temporarily stop looking at everything as a sign or as spiritual or whatever and definitely take a break from witchtok. It’s too easy to get caught up in all that. The most important part of establishing a practice or figuring out your path is research and learning. Without jumping in and immediately start doing stuff, just read every book you can about the various types of witchcraft and take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Research everything you can about specific deities and learn their mythology, their names, their aspects and discover for yourself if it would be beneficial to work with them. Leave the spell work, the offerings and all that for later, there’s plenty of time for that. The most important thing is having a an understanding of what you are doing, why you are doing it and a comfort in doing it. Take your time and don’t rush your journey.

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