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    Hey everyone, I think I need some help… I’ve always had this distinct feeling of ‘stuff’ hanging around me, had some more concrete and tangible experiences as a child, but it scared me so much that I blocked it off and tried to ignore it as much as possible.

    However, I now have 3 kids and I have heavy suspicion that whatever hangs around me is now affecting them, in the form of nightmares and possibly the sense of presence?

    I have recently started to really try and get over my fear, and try and open myself up more, so that I can maybe get a handle on it more, protect my kids a little better, but its really only been a few months since I started, and I feel like it will take a lot of work to break that wall that I’ve built down.

    Thing is, I need help right now, my youngest child, my daughter had a VERY uncaracteristic bout of crying, being scared, refusing to be left alone in her room, refusing to sleep, and I kinda feel like there may be something more going on than just her being a kid, she’s only (almost) 2, so you would say this is normal behavior for a child her age, and with her brothers I would have agreed, but when it comes to night time and sleeping, she’s a downright angel, and this is extremely uncaracteristic behavior for her.

    Can any of you give me some tips to maybe protect her a little better, she barely slept tonight, and I’d like to prevent that in the future…

  • Too inexperienced to deal, send help 😅

     Goodfellow_fanclub updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • t3ntric1

    December 10, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    1: put a cat or dog in the room
    2: change the room around
    3: place quartz crystals in the room
    4: sit and meditate every day in the room
    5: think about any behaviours which enables the being/entity

  • RicottaPuffs

    December 10, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    I am offering to assist and to remove whatever this is free, for you, and to clear the home. I can do that remotely. However, I do need permission. Please send me a chat request.

    There are also things you can do. Even if we are closed off, we send out a light that attracts spirit. One or more of your children may be more psychic, (probably the child who cannot sleep).

    Animals are great protectors. My colleague who suggested it…amazing.

    No child should ever have to be that frightened.

  • DesiraeBae

    December 10, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    You can/should definitely explore the aforementioned options – especially if you feel strongly that there is a presence/force/energy at work. It certainly can’t HURT to do those things at any rate. I would also add that if you’re hyperfocusing on this negative “thing” or the possibility of it, that might also be influencing the space? Creating a lot of anxiety and fear, maybe guilt and apprehension? I recommend exploring methods for turning that around and setting your OWN positive energy for the space also.

    That said, I would add that 2/3 of my kids did have abrupt sleep habit changes when they were young like that. With my youngest, she would get like that sometimes when she was starting to get sick – before she had any fever or other symptoms. With my eldest, she just up and stopped sleeping one day and it was awful! It lasted for weeks! And then she transitioned into a new sleep schedule and she was fine again. *shrug* So – not discounting the possibility of spiritual forces, but I wouldn’t discount the behavioral/physical possibilities either. Kids can be weird sometimes…

  • TheSaltyTarot

    December 10, 2021 at 3:21 pm

    People have already offered good advice and even help. Could I ask if there have been any developments? What are you doing to protect yourself in the long-term?

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