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Forums Forums Tarot Tower, Devil, Death

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    I was doing a mind, body, spirit spread (which ended up being 2oP, 9oP, and the Wheel) on my Arcanis Animal deck by David DePasquale, when these three fell out onto my hand. Understandably, my heart dropped a little.

    I’m currently reading through Tarot for Troubled Times by Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed (fantastic book, by the way!!) and as such, have been focusing on working with my shadow self. I did a lot of work confronting my shadow last night before going to bed, and I had a lot of dreams related to it as a result.

    Pulling these cards was the first thing I did in the morning. My gut instinct is that my deck is encouraging me to keep looking inward towards the shadow, all the things that scare me about myself. That said, I can’t help but fear that these cards might be a warning as well. Any ideas?

    (More specific personal interpretation for those interested: The Tower, for my fear of bad things happening to me outside of my control, or things that I could see coming but wasn’t brave enough to do anything about it. Death, for the way I dread change and endings (more specifically, my recent career hunt and my anxiety around leaving the job I’ve had for almost a decade). And the Devil, which I feel specifically represents my shadow self and the things that I am afraid or ashamed of within myself. I’ve been feeling very stuck/blocked lately, and the Devil is likely here to draw attention to that.)

    Thoughts? Should I take this as a warning, or as an invitation to look deeper at myself?

Reply to: winter_waffles
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