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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Travel spell to get placed at a job?

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    I’m looking to do a spell to help speed up the process of getting placed at a job in a good location. I work with Archangel Raphael who’s specialty is travel. Do you think it would be effective to carve my intentions into a white candle and then put herbs on it that have to do with the vibe I’m trying to get at this particular location? I was thinking of adding some green herbs because that is Archangel Raphael’s color. If you have any other types of spells that are effective then I’d like to know that as well. Blessed be.

  • Travel spell to get placed at a job?

  • kai-ote

    July 28, 2022 at 6:53 am

    Interesting how you see Raphaels color as being green. My tradition had white. And also, the most traditional of Raphaels aspects is healing, and that is almost universal.

    And a spell for travel might never end, and lead to job hopping and relocating often.

    I suggest thinking more about exactly what you are trying to create. I believe, if you do so, you will come up with a different plan that is effective in manifesting your desire.

    Keep your eyes on the prize. A job is 1 part. Good location is another. Combine those to create a spell that does both at once. Good luck. BB.

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