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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing trying to cast a spell with ADHD gotta make it a bit different

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    Hi I normaly don’t do spells I do divination. Due to having ADHD which makes it really hard to concentrate and meditate. And set a routine and plan it out and get the date to match up. It’s just a mess. My alter is always messy. Because of that I don’t like casting circles or cleansing the area that much. It’s hard to do. And I have really only read it in like the traditional way. Candles n stuff. Thankfully my family is pretty naturally talented at divination and has a strong intuition.

    But I think I have found a way to actually do a spell!
    I plan on making it an attraction spell sorta like tell the universe (and a certain person) that if it’s/they are all ready I’m open for a relationship and I’m absolutely going to have a good time in life. And I’m really proud of it.

    I plan on starting it with how I start everything, caffeine just to make it a bit easier. I’m going to start just playing some nonword music as I pick up some stuff off the floor to clean the energy. Turn on the fan to break up some energy. Turn on my insence and open the window to bring in good energy.
    Then do a little stretches.
    Then we get to the fun part 🙂
    I have one song I want to play what encompass what I want and what I want to know. “About dam time” by Lizzo. I’m Gunna dance maybe sing and im going to take the lovers card “representing love in this situation” and the world “representing the world” and pick some roses and take out my rose quarts egg. Put it on my desk with a little list and sigil so the sun shines on it and leave it there for a sun and night cycles to be like hey it’s long lasting. Then tie a know to sorta seal the deal.

    Also so I can easily reverse it if it goes wrong.

    I’m not going to cast a circle or sit down or be serious. I’m Gunna jam and dance and hopefully don’t smack my hand on the counter.
    Hopefully it works 😀 I have a good feeling about this one!
    Does anyone have any suggestion on how I can do more witchy stuff even with ADHD?

  • trying to cast a spell with ADHD gotta make it a bit different

  • Ismyra

    July 18, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    I have ADHD and have been practicing for over 20 years. I used to try and plan things but it just never worked out. Now I just follow my intuition and do whatever feels right, when it feels right to do it. The most planning I do is to set an alarm to put out some water for the full moon so that I can harness the power of the full moon whenever I want, rather than trying to do it the day of. I do sometimes have friends ask for me to do work for them, I just give them a heads up that I will get to it when I feel inspired.

    Last month or so I felt really inspired to create a love attraction oil, despite not needing it myself. I followed my gut and ended up being able to charge it under a full strawberry moon after an intense thunderstorm that I used to help charge the spell. I wasn’t sure who the oil was meant to go to but this past week I met someone who I’m convinced is meant to have it. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with following your intuition!

  • Clearlie_Me

    July 18, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    Fellow ADHD Witch, lemme know if you actually get past the planning phase and do this and how that goes 😜

  • PoetVet

    July 18, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    ADHD (beginner) witch, this is how I do it! Just go with the energy of the universe and do what you feel would be a good ritual. Then see if it works for you 😉 Following my gut on this has worked for me, screw the date and time, and specific requirements. But it might be different for everyone.

  • Wild_Sun9839

    July 18, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    Hey fellow ADHD witch! Just reiterating what’s already been said. I just go with what feels right at the moment and have completely let go of feeling like I need to follow any set schedule or other requirements. Planning was just getting in my way! It’s working pretty well for me so far. I think your spell sounds great!

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