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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Types of divination

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    Hello! I’ve been doing a lot of divining work lately, so I wanted to share my favorite types for those of you who want to try something new. I’ll add a short description to each one and anyone who wants a more in depth description can ask in the comments, I’ll respond with a deeper description.

    \#1. Charm casting. Charm casting is a type of divination that’s essentially throwing small trinkets onto a cloth and reading them based on the meanings you give them. Mine has about twelve trinkets that each have a whole page of description in my divining journal.

    \#2. Dice throwing. I made a die that has ‘yes’ ‘no’ ‘maybe’ ‘rephrase’ ‘not quite’ and ‘ask again’ with polymer clay, but you could use a regular dice set and assign these meanings to the six sides. This type of divination is good for yes or no answers, although the dice need to be cleansed very often, and the answers should be taken with a grain of salt.

    \#3. Bean throwing. This is something I personally love, I don’t know if anyone else does it, but I take a handful of multicolored beans and I throw them on a cloth, then I determine what the shapes they make mean. Often I let my eyes lose focus so I can see the shapes more clearly.

    \#4. Scrying. You’ve probably heard of this one, but I’ve seen a lot of people asking how to do it, so here’s my rundown. Scrying is when you let yourself fall into a trance while staring at something, usually a crystal or a black mirror/dyed water. I take moon water, add black ink to it, then stare into it while letting my eyes lose focus. Soon enough, shapes should appear to you, and remember that it may take a few tries.

    \#5. Cloud scrying. Look up at the sky and ask the world a question. Try to look at what the clouds are telling you, if you see an animal in the sky, look up its correspondence. If you don’t see anything, look at a different cloud. I’ve gotten a lot of guidance from the universe from simply looking at the clouds after asking for help in life.

    I hope this was helpful to you, if you have any questions let me know in the comments, peace and blessings<3

  • Types of divination

  • Mel_AndCholy

    September 14, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    I really appreciate your input. I use to think divination wasn’t for me, but my guide was like “no, you really need it.”

    I practice lithomancy, much like the charm throwing you described.
    Any pendulum advise? I created a pendulum and use my yes and no stones.
    Sometimes I’ve gotten very clear answers, but last time it didn’t make sense.

  • kai-ote

    September 14, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    I have an enchanted coin for yes/no questions. Mostly I use it just to see if a tarot card should be read reversed or upright. That way I can shuffle them upright, making them easier to read for me. BB.

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