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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Update: Chiari Malformation Surgery

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    I'm posting here as well as in the Kemetic sub, so if for some of you this seems familiar, it's because it's the same lady!

    As I did for that sub, I would like to thank all of you that have put in your time, thoughts, prayers and more towards my fast recovery and to have a safe surgery. The surgery went without a day before yesterday and I was sent home yesterday afternoon since I did so well during observation. The next month will show how effective the surgery truly was as well as give me time to recover. Right now I'm pretty heavily medicated since the area around the incisions are still really sore, which means lots of medication-induced naps.

    Tomorrow my aunt is going to bring over lunch and her electric sheers. They shaved half my head in surgery, which right now kind of makes me feel like some kind of bad-a** punk rocker, but I know that as it grows out, the uneven lengths will bother me to no end. So she is going to shave the other side of my head. I will then wear scarves wrapped around my head until it's healed enough that I can wear my wig while waiting for my hair to grow out.

    Thanks be to the gods and goddesses for watching over me, keeping me safe, and helping me heal, as well as giving the medical teams the knowledge they need to help me get through this ordeal. What they were able to do is truly a miracle of science in my eyes, brought upon by the likes of Thoth and Hermes!

Reply to: sarahdalrymple
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