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Forums Forums Mediums UPDATE: Questions about psilocybin, spiritual development, meeting guides and accessing past life memories

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    See original post here:

    Sorry it’s taken a while to update like I said I would. I’ve now experienced a 1g and 2.5g trip and they were very interesting. My overall findings are psilocybin doesn’t replace and is not a substitute for spiritual practices for development. For me however, it did help push me to the next level up I’d already been seeking in spiritual practice.

    With each use I approached with intention and preparation, intentions are in previous post.

    1g trip didn’t really do much with enhancing abilities except hyper-activate my third eye for several hours and give me a general walk through of my psyche. It helped me address and see why I wasn’t making the progress I’d been trying to make with spiritual practices. It’s like my brain opened and I saw there wasn’t anything wrong with my practice, the reason I wasn’t progressing was I was giving too much and not adequately filling my tank per se. It showed me the roots of where my needs come from and validated those needs, I’d always felt guilty for some of them. I started working on filling my tank and meeting my needs and THEN I progressed to another level of ability. I did not have any of my previously stated intentions or curiosities fulfilled but other necessary and good things instead.

    For the second trip of 2g I waited several weeks because the first was more intense than I thought it would be and I felt I needed to practice what I learned for longer. I had planned to wait 6 weeks but at week 4 I felt prompted to go ahead and do the next trip. I started with a meditation I use to connect with source and guides and listened to different types of aura and negativity cleansing music, and when everything kicked in I was very prepared and ready, more able to control where my mind took me. And where it took me was very cool.

    Did I meet my guides? Meh kind of but not really. There was one point where I felt like I was guided to another dimension where guides do their guiding. I couldn’t really see my guide but they showed me how they do their guiding. It was like I could see myself in this bubble type material and when they wanted me to do something or go somewhere or listen more they would tap at different places on the bubble and I would respond. I was also given the message at that time that they (guides) were happy about how responsive and malleable I’ve been. I saw the outline of my guide but not clear enough to recognize them and I do not know their name still.

    As far as past life memories go I didn’t really think that would be possible but toward the last hour or so I accessed what I think may have been memories. I know I was tripping but at the same time it would line up very well with a lot of why I am the way I am at times. I saw a bit of my moments before my death in the last life and felt like that life was for killing time/doing something while I waited for this life I’m in, like it’s this life that is the really important one that matters.

    The whole experience unblocked all the remaining blocks in my chakras that have been hard to keep clear and unblocked. I do feel like because of that, combined with my intentional practices, I was able to level up a bit. Had I not known what to do with unblocked chakras or recognize the difference for example, I wouldn’t have noticed some of the differences that followed. My empathy has deepened however to the point I have had to learn how to shield more or I pick up on the random emotions of others while grocery shopping. That wasn’t ever a problem before but now it is.

    So, was it worth it? Hell.yes. I feel it must be used in combination with concrete spiritual practices in order to maintain any growth that occurs from the experience.

    Feel free to ask me questions, this is very much the readers digest version of the experience.

    Another cool experience was I took a work call about the last hour when things were wearing off and I could see the what the person looked like and felt their general energy while talking to them. After I hung up I checked the employee directory and sure enough, that’s what they looked like. I could also see my husbands aura and the ways it changed throughout the day. Those experiences only lasted the duration of the stuff in my system and were gone by the next morning.

    Questions about psilocybin, spiritual development, meeting guides and accessing past life memories
    by inMediums

  • UPDATE: Questions about psilocybin, spiritual development, meeting guides and accessing past life memories

     [deleted] updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • t3ntric1

    December 10, 2021 at 9:25 pm

    Want a real short cut? Learn about the harmonic of your breath m, shift your energy so that it builds capacity for guides to move in properly and to gives good solid advice when required. You cannot access spirit realm using substances , but you can access dimensional aspects of yourself and non corporeal states. These “guide” found in lower states do not have what it takes to support you to your creations best.

  • Cass565

    December 10, 2021 at 9:25 pm

    I tripped so hard i was able to literally talk to my spirit guides and eventually after consistently taking thm, saw all my past lives. When i tell you i tripped too hard i dont recommend. I took 9grams of homemade shrooms and ended up in the psych but that was after consistently taking them for about a week but i regret nothing. For ten days straight my dreams were like tunnel visions from thats so raven and my twin flame(aka my baby dad) kept saying this is the subconscious for literally like four nights straight. My sensitivity was through the roof but when i did an energy cleanse meditation whrre this lady activated dna , i saw the ninth dimension or what I believe to be the ninth dimension. This recording called upon all the ascended masters and i saw shadows hiding in the corners of my house leave flying up when they were demanded away. When i saw all the souls they were dancing and singing and everytime i was about to psych myself out with negative thoughts they immediately were like nonono we are so proud of you great job! When i was in the psych, I was telepathically communicating to people in the psych and they responded outloud to exactly what i was saying, though i spoke strictly through my head. I even tested it out at my job and when i tell you every coworker was confused aa shit and mad at me telling me to stop talking the funniest part was i wasnt talking outloud. I helped my boss find his purpose. Long story short that was the best month experience of my life.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    December 10, 2021 at 9:25 pm

    > spiritual development, meeting guides and accessing past life memories

    You can do all these things without drugs. I know there are traditions that use them and that’s valid, but I’d just like to point out that they aren’t strictly necessary.

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