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Forums Forums Tarot Using cards to journal (and a question)

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    Does anyone else try to sum up their journal entries by writing down corresponding tarot cards?

    I have been working on a mental health journal that goes into various key memories and experiences throughout my life that have impacted who I am and where I am in life. As a bit of extra introspection and practice with tarot I have been finishing each entry by describing the entry using tarot cards. For example I have been struggling a lot with an intensification of a certain disability I have and it has rendered me unable to work. I have been struggling to cope with the reality of my situation. As a person who craves independence, I am deeply ashamed and angry and grieving my former life. I have been ruminating about this stuff. In my journal I used the 4 of swords, the 9 of swords, and the 5 of pentacles to describe this entry.

    I was wondering if any of you would help me figure out the right cards for a bit of a heavier subject matter. I’ll put this question under spoilers so nobody has to read it. Trigger warning for some childhood trauma stuff

    >! Right now in my journal I’m really getting into some of my darker memories so I can start to process them. I am a survivor of child sexual abuse, and I’m starting to journal about what happened and the ways it impacted me. Unfortunately I am struggling to find cards that might represent that abuse. Like maybe 6 of cups reversed, depending on how one interprets reversals? Any other cards you think might work would be highly appreciated. Cards representing deception, miseducation, mistreatment etc. I would appreciate it. !<

    Anyway, that specific issue aside, do any of you do this? Another way I practice my understanding of tarot cards like this is by trying to describe movies or scenes of movies using the cards. I have to admit that by trying to use the cards to describe familiar moments it’s easier for me to interpret the cards into scenes when I do readings. Makes it easier to see how the cards might make a convincing narrative.

Reply to: chucklehEDWIN
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