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Forums Forums Mediums Wanted to chat about “angel signs” and share mine from today. It made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too.

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    First, some backstory: When I was younger, I lost two very special loved ones within a short period of time. I’ve read before this sometimes acts as a catalyst for spiritual awakenings? I had experiences as a child like many, lost touch with my senses for a bit, then re-discovered them shortly after they passed. (This includes the most beautiful, peaceful, spiritually validating visitation dream I’ll probably ever have that I am *beyond* grateful for.) Anyway, I had a big life event after they passed and was really missing them in that moment. Two butterflies fluttered over to me and completely encircled me before flying away. It was one of those angel signs where you can’t describe it but just know in your heart & soul was beyond coincidence. One of those experiences that doesn’t need to make sense to others because it made sense to me! To this day I think that’s one of the most distinct experiences I’ve ever had. So since then, as clichè as it sounds sometimes, I just know that butterflies are kind of my personal thing as far as angel signs go!

    Two other examples of my experience with this personal “angel” sign — I had a family member that was always very supportive and proud of me for pursuing higher education. I was a first-gen college student. Sadly, they passed very suddenly two semesters shy of me graduating. My loved one passed a week before finals. I could’ve requested an “incomplete” for my courses but wanted to soldier on, get it done with, finish strong and and make them proud. (Also made Dean’s list for the first time that semester, so I meant that promise and I kept it! I knew they were still watching over me!) The night before their funeral I was cleaning out a purse I hadn’t used in a really long time and in the pocket, found the silver butterfly bracelet this same family member had gifted me for Christmas a few years prior…I had put it in there when I moved from my last place into my new one and had totally forgotten about it. Oh the big beautiful tears that followed! Pretty big coincidence right?! Then, once I finally made it to my college graduation, as I’m about to take my seat on the football field a cabbage white butterfly flutters past me, around my chair, then flutters on….(*can we also talk about how perfect it was that this was specifically a white butterfly and the symbolic meaning behind this?!!! I mean, wow!*)

    So butterflies are still my thing. I’ve been feeling really sad and worried lately due to things going on with my personal life, as well as current world events and doing my best to stay positive. And I think that’s been challenging for so many of us lately, not just me. Especially other intuitive empaths! I couldn’t sleep last night so I put on a meditation and prayed to Archangel Michael to help me let go, to give me courage, and strength….

    I cannot tell you the last time I saw an actual butterfly recently but sure enough, I saw a blue monarch butterfly (*blue is associated with AA Michael*) when I walked out to my car today! So, shout out to my spirit team and to *all* of our loving & dedicated spirit teams for those little signs that help us get through the day and for always having our back! 🙌🏻 Seeing that blue butterfly after praying to Archangel Michael made me smile and my heart instantly felt 1000 lbs lighter!!!

    Does anyone else have any special “angel sign” experiences they wanna share? I love reading about them. Such good vibes! They make me happy 🙂 Or any additional insight about spiritual meaning behind butterflies specifically? Why the form of butterflies? And how/why did this become *my* personal sign? And also, if you’re a person in need of an angel sign right now, I hope this post serves as a reminder to ask and you shall receive! Have faith and give it time!

    Be well everyone! Love and blessings. 💙🦋

  • Wanted to chat about “angel signs” and share mine from today. It made me smile and I hope it makes you smile too.

     ladybug5551111 updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • queergem

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I had two of my best friends pass away within 3 weeks of each other. This happened 3 years ago and randomly today I asked them to specifically send me a white butterfly if they are with me. Not only did I see one, but this post was also my sign, loud and clear. Thank you so much for sharing 💛

  • riziyo

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Not sure if it was ever really a sign or just a lucky coincidence, but one night, a few months after my brother passed I was outside waiting for the dogs to finish their business for the night. Casually crying because I missed him and grief is weird, when I look up and at that moment right where I’m looking, I see a shooting star. It made me smile and I just said thank you out loud. It made me feel calm and peaceful. I always thought it was him saying hey I’m okay, quit crying.

  • shmadus

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    One morning I was hiking in Sedona, a place that my best friend absolutely loved. She had died just a few months prior. As I was walking along, a huge, brilliant, golden yellow monarch butterfly flitted about and danced on the path just in front of me. I was transfixed. I’m convinced it was her spirit, sending me a message that she was happy and free. I’ve never seen a butterfly like that, ever.

    Ironically our favorite restaurant there is a place called Mariposa (Spanish for butterfly).

  • Express_Radish1731

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Spirit communicates in a way that we will ‘get it’.

    If a message gets your attention, believe your knowing – it’s very real

  • scorpianlilith

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    This is so beautiful 💙 I’m going through a rough time right now, got very distracted with unimportant stuff when I should have been spending my time in a more productive way. Thank you so much for sharing your Angel signs, it really helps 🦋💙🦋

  • thehumanglowstick

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Hummingbirds and dragonflies for me

  • sassymaggie

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    It’s happened to me a few times. Years ago I was getting ready for an r. o. court hearing, which was very stressful for me. When I was leaving the house, I walked through my mom’s scent. It gave me strength knowing my mom was there for me. Another time, I was gardening and crying because I missed my mom. Suddenly multiple dragonflies started flying around my head. That made me feel comforted. A few days ago, after returning from a worrysome cardiatric appt., two hummingbirds circled my head . They flew so close, they were looking at me in the eye. It gave me great solace. Finally, at least twice a day, when I glance at the clock, it’ll show the hour and eleven minutes. It happens so often that when I see the eleven min. mark, I wave and say “Hi, thanks for thinking of me!” I’ve lost both my parents, my brother and many close best buddies so I’m not sure who is sending me love but I really appreciate it.

  • ladybug5551111

    July 16, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Ya know…since I’ve been working on my clairs every now and then I’ll get a random scent….it’s so odd but cool! I’m sorry to hear you’ve lost so many family members but happy for you that they’re sure to let you know they’re still around 🤍 seems like there’s a big connection with you and getting outside? Have you ever looked up numerology? The spiritual meaning behind 11? Seeing numbers in repetition is supposed to be a big sign!

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