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Forums Forums Mediums wanted to give a warning to newbies

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    My SO recently requested that I stop allowing spirits to enter the property.

    I’m a psychic witch, who just had a serious awakening last year.
    My original intent with my wards is to allow neutral spirits to come and go as they pleased. No draining, lying, or malicious spirits allowed. I was open to meeting new spirits and to interact with them, but tbh I’ve been greatly disappointed with the majority that have come by.

    I have mainly interacted with non-mortals and fae. I’ve had some really genuinely good interactions that I cherish, but most fae that have approached me have been sketchy.

    They appear attracted to the earth magick and divination I do.

    One spirit came and made me extremely dizzy every time I got near him/them. I felt as though this was unintentional on the spirit’s part, but when I told him he didn’t feel like my discomfort was his problem.
    I told him nope and that he needed to leave. We have a spirit who lives with us that became very agitated by his presence, which my partner noted without knowledge of the other spirit being present.
    I told the new spirit he needed to leave, did a sound cleansing and opened the door for him.
    He got irritated, but moved out of the house, only to come back when I did divination a few minutes later.
    I *bubbled* him to ensure what I was feeling was him and not a health issue before doing a full banishing.
    I’m not sure what type of spirit this was, but when I did a reading I got the wind element.

    I’ve had what I consider fairies visit and they jump scared me because they thought it was funny. Never had that happen before.
    I did some divination to see what they were about and how to proceed.
    If I were to tell them that their behavior was unacceptable, they would have gotten mad at me for being a stick in the mud. They only came for fun and weren’t exactly ‘harming’ me. They didn’t have fight or flight like we do, so the sudden burst of energy I produced when scared was considered hilarious.
    I tried to bubble them, but they immediately burst through that, so I did a quick banishing.

    I was doing work on my computer one night when I sensed an extravagant entrance as if something announced it’s presence without words- much like a peacock.
    I went into a quick meditative state to take a look and saw a humanoid figure with tree roots as the arms and lower half surrounded by wispy energy. I went back to work, ignoring him/them for a while, then did a reading.
    He was there to assist me in my health magick and was greatly interested in my earth magick and affection in return.
    I felt as though this land spirit was more upfront and honest compared to others and I greatly considered working with him.
    However, something told me to dive further, so I did a cast to see what would happen if I said no.
    Hidden malice and that he would find a way to contact me whether I liked it or not. I banished him. And yes, later on he did find a way to try to contact me and I needed to banish him again. (Sometimes you need to do it more than once)

    Another night I felt as though a large boar walked through my house. It snooped around at my altar for a minute before becoming agitated by something and my wards suddenly kicked in and chased it out.
    I wasn’t sure if what I sensed was correct, so I did a few readings.
    It was a land spirit that had followed me home after visiting its grove. It wanted to tamper with my divination stones, which activated my wards.
    When I returned to this grove at my work, I got the evil eye from it, thus confirming it’s origins.
    I wanted to be sure I hadn’t accidentally disturbed it’s space and angered it, giving it the benefit of the doubt. I had just gone there on my day off, left charged rocks as presents in exchange for stinging nettle. Perhaps I altered the energy in a way it didn’t like. I did more readings.
    Nope. It loved my offerings. It was just an asshole. I got chaotic malice and earth spirit in the reading.

    That was when my partner said no more spirits. She also saw my aura in a dream and confirmed it was extremely bright and that I needed to hide that.

    I will say I’ve gotten a lot of assistance from fae. My divination stones I feel as though were presents from the spirits at the bay where I use to live. I’ve also been helped out of a very bad situation from a strong and balanced fae, who I still communicate with from time to time.

    It’s just a lot have been sketchy and don’t respect humans/ can’t relate to them. I’ve also had interactions with things claiming to be past loved ones, but that’s a whole other post.

    I see a lot of psychics say to be firm in your boundaries with spirit. To tell them to leave. While I agree that you do need that, this really only works with polite spirits. A lot will hope you don’t notice them if they come back, or just flat out ignore you to your face. I don’t know how many times I’ve stood my ground with spirit, and it isn’t because I didn’t have confidence or a bite to back up my bark. I’ve become very skilled in banishing.

    Just a word of caution to people starting out. Spirits lie. Don’t trust something that just comes up to you. You need to vet them in a way they can’t tamper with, which involves clearing your space, cleansing your tools, and shielding.

  • wanted to give a warning to newbies

     Mel_AndCholy updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • MewMewa

    January 11, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    Well said honestly, can’t stress the importance of what you said. Spirits can lie and some are flat out predators. Learned and still am learning this.

    Like the number of spirits I have met that will unconsentually touch in mutiple ways and say they never did that/say it was consentual when you never gave them consent is baffling.

    Very disappointing sometimes when meeting new spirits unintentionally or in general.

  • SinVerguenza04

    January 11, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    Sounds like you had a lot of elementals come and visit. While most elementals won’t harm you, there are some rogue ones that thrive off negativity. I wouldn’t let them in my house anymore. It sounds like you’re attracting rogue ones.

  • steve-laughter

    January 11, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    Spirits absolutely lie, they’re just as capable of doing awful things as we are.

    The worst are the ones that tell the truth, though. Especially when the truth hurts.

  • iiil87n

    January 11, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    While I personally have been pretty lucky in that I haven’t come across many ill intentioned/malicious spirits, I absolutely agree.

    I’m fortunate to have a spirit guide that looks out for me and to have befriended a tree spirit as a child that decided to assign two of it’s “children” to stick with me.

    Wards and vetting is super important.

    I’ve unfortunately had an experience where I had to banish a spirit that was a very good manipulator and snuck through my vetting process by lying and pretending to be someone they’re not.

    As a result, my vetting process is more strict than before and I only start ‘interviewing’ spirits that would like to hang out/join the family once or twice a year. And by the time these spirits get to speak to me, they’ve already been vetted and interviewed by my current spirit family.

    So yes. To everyone doing spirit work, beginner or not, have strong wards, established rules, and a very thorough vetting process.

  • PsychicMediumAlways

    January 11, 2023 at 1:09 pm

    Oh my, this is wild. I have never had any experience like the one described above. There is a big difference between psychic and mediumship work. In Psychic work you do not connect to spirits. In mediumship you do. It’s a common misunderstood concept by so many.

    I think it’s posts like this that make people fearful of the afterlife and connecting with souls that have crossed over.

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