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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Warding spells – Simple and accessible

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    Hello everyone! The new moon is coming upon us and this is when I personally like to refresh some of my wards, so I thought I’d write up a blurb on different types of wards in case you’d like to join in 🙂

    Wards are long standing protection workings. Think of them like maintenance or spiritual up-keep. Cleansing/Banishing is what you do in the moment if something breaks through your wards, but wards help keep that gunk out. Personally, this helps me keep my safe space safe so that I can relax in my home and focus on my practice in peace.

    **The Witch’s Bottle-** Probably the most popular type of ward. It is usually seen as a glass jar filled with protective herbs and items (however you can substitute other material to hold the items if glass is not a good option for you). A Witch’s Jar will include a taglock- an organic piece of you that binds you to the jar and acts as a decoy for any psychic/magical attacks. Witches who want to protect all members of the household (including pets) can add bits from every family member. The organic bits are usually hair, nail clipping, saliva or even urine.

    Protective items to use in Witch’s Jars are salt (black or white), eggshell powder, shards of glass (to bounce back any magic/energy attacks), and then corresponding herbs and crystals. These jars are typically buried on your property, however I don’t recommend burying doing that as even things like salt or strange plants can cause issues if the jar seeps out any ingredients. Instead you can hide the jar somewhere in your house or bury it in a plant pot. Be mindful if you put liquid in with organic ingredients you may see color changes, molding or leaking as the materials break down. I would recommend keeping the ingredients dry for this one.

    **A Witch’s Ladder-** Another old form of warding. These are made by braiding together some string or ribbons and as you work your way down the braid you incorporate in charms. They can be sticks, feathers, beads (like evil eye beads), pentagrams etc. Bells are often used in these and then the ladder is hung on the entrance door so as the bells chime it cleanses with sound.

    **A House Guardian-** This one is really fun in my opinion. First you choose an inanimate object (usually a small statue but it doesn’t have to be) and designate it as the house guardian. Pour your energy into it and walk it around the area it is to protect- whether that is your full property or just a room- back to front. After this place it in an inconspicuous location and give it offerings every now and again. My first house guardian is a large obsidian sphere that I scribble protective runes/sigils on with chalk marker (this washes off). If Slavic practiced interests you then you can learn to make a Motanka Doll to watch over your home. These are cloth dolls made by folding the fabric rather than using a needle.

    **Iron**\- Iron offers general protection but especially against the fae. If you WANT to work with the fae I would stay away from these wards, but otherwise they’re simple and accessible beginner wards. You can stick a nail (usually a coffin or railroad nail, but it does not have to be) into each corner of your property. If you don’t want to put anything in the ground, or just have one room to ward you can also place a nail on your windowsill. Horseshoes nailed above the entrance to your home (right side up like a U) brings in good luck and protects against bad.

    **Plants-** You can recruit your potted plants as personal or home wards. I have done this physically by charging a sigil and mixing it in with the dirt I planted my seeds in. You can burn the sigil and sprinkle in the ashes or draw them on an eggshell before crushing it and mixing it with soil. The plants will then be tethered to you or your home and will absorb negative energy sent your way.

  • Warding spells – Simple and accessible

  • chan_jkv

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    Witch’s bottle buried in a protective plant in a pot near your front door it’s usually what I recommend to people who are new. I usually recommend sage, cause you can get it at any gardening store, plus it’s good for broom closet people.

  • idiorhythmic_roach

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    Plants like african violets, aloe, cacti and ferns can be kept in pots in window sills to provide protection as well.

  • Session_Notes

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    Thanks for the tips! I’ve been meaning to ward my new home but haven’t done so yet.

  • Cibex

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    Rosemary and myrtle are traditional plants to plant at a doorway to prevent ill will from entering. However, with myrtle it’s advised to plant one on each side of a door if you’re married to ensure a happy marriage.

    I’m a great fan of a horseshoe above the doorway myself. I live in an ancient woodland in the UK so I am in what would be prime faerie territory. I’d actually argue it an important thing to have if you want to engage with the Fae. You shouldn’t really welcome them into your home, and besides most modern ones will contain iron anyway with steel girders etc. Think of it of acting as a safe space from them. You still need your own space.

  • HotBoatMan

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    This is exactly what I’ve been looking for- thank you so much for sharing and going so in depth and giving alternative methods that don’t involve having to bury things or take a whole lot of time!!

  • spiritbored

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    I have a hundred year old dog figure from Russia that was from my great grandpa. Sounds like I’ll be using him as a house guardian — Thanks! I never even considered house guardians! (Usually kind of a sweep-the-bad-juju-out-the-front-door kinda guy)

  • Belle_petite

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    as someone who cant create their own sigils (adhd,hard to concentrate or follow or create a plan,its a real bummer cause witchcraft is all about focus and visualization,its why i a drawn into more materialistic magic (witch bottle is a great one ) ,can you write a post with some custom sigils for luck for example? something that can be copied. or like banishing away negative energies.?

    thank you in advance and i do apologize if this is the wrong post to comment on

  • PlantsByLaurali

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    I use prickly or bladed plants as wards inside the home and red brick dust on the outline of my property. It worked so good it even drove away an unwanted visitor never to return. I also keep a witch bottle in my spell cupboard at all times for my loved ones. No stone unturned 🌵Thanks for your ideas! I might try the ladder next 🙂

  • Blairedormer

    May 8, 2022 at 1:02 am

    I so rarely see people talk about house guardians! Made me smile!

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