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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Was I being called this whole time?

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    Hi everyone, I’m super new to this sub and wouldn’t even call myself a BW yet but I have just had a crazy experience and I would love some advice and guidance.

    For some background, I have been interested in witchcraft since I could talk basically, and when I was around 9yrs old I started looking into Wicca. With my 30mins dial up internet I was allowed a day back then, I started doing a little research and I remember reading something that said essentially ‘you are working with a higher being and you can call them whatever you like’ or along those lines.

    I have always been drawn to the name Diana (and randomly would always picture the moon when I thought of her) so that’s what I decided to call this higher power and I tried doing small spells here and there but I had no idea what I was doing and had no guidance so I stopped trying.

    Years and years go by and every time I see the name Diana I am drawn to it in a way that feels comforting to me, but just chalked it up to nostalgia or just liking the name. Recently though I have been feeling as though I would like to practice properly, when today (literally 10mins ago) I randomly came across a video saying Lucifer had a wife Diana who was the mother of the first witch and I feel like everything just clicked into place so I did some research and from what I can tell she is a Roman(?) Goddess although I genuinely have never heard of her before.

    So I guess my question is, is this info right and do you think she was calling me to work with her this whole time? If she was, how do I go about deity work? How do I do it respectfully and carefully as someone with essentially no experience? Thanks so much in advance for your help!

    TLDR; felt drawn to the name Diana since first trying out Wicca as a child, now as an adult came across a video about the Goddess Diana and wanting to know if she was calling me this whole time.

  • Was I being called this whole time?

  • darkwitch819

    July 15, 2022 at 11:00 am

    That’s how it happens! Actually kinda happened almost the same way to me with Diana. And yes that’s Her Roman name. Diana, the Triple Moon Goddess. Great Lady of the Moon.

  • AutoModerator

    July 15, 2022 at 11:00 am

    Hi there, welcome to r/witchcraft! It looks like you’re new and looking for help to get started.
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  • sambutha

    July 15, 2022 at 11:00 am

    I think traditionally Diana is known as the virgin goddess of the moon, but yes, there’s absolutely a goddess named Diana. There’s an entire branch of Wicca centered around her, in fact. Dianic Wicca.

    And it does sound as if you’re called by Her.

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