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Forums Forums Mediums Was this a dream visitation or something else? (TW reference mass casualty event, image is non-graphic and a very simple drawing)

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    I'm wondering if someone can give me some insight into an experience I had just over a year ago.

    About a year ago and a bit ago I had a dream that was unlike any I'd ever experienced. It was about a week after the tragic Itaewon crowd crush. In the dream there was some sort of mass fatality event at a school, and there were bodies laying around the schoolyard covered in sheets with the feet sticking out. There were what looked like the Christian depiction of angels, they were sort of translucent and glowing with blue light. They weren't bringing people back from the dead, but they were facilitating things in some way. My husband and I were watching what was going on and I said to him, "Are you seeing this?" and he said something along the lines of "WTF yes I am". My husband is a very deeply committed materialist, and I remember in the dream thinking that I was so glad he was here to witness this, because there was no way he would have believed me otherwise.

    Watching this in my dream I felt such an enormous peace, love, and RELIEF. A materialist for my whole life, I'd always been afraid of death and as a result (and as a trauma coping mechanism for other things) felt very compelled to research mass casualty incidents like tsunamis, mass shootings, 9/11, crowd crush, etc. I remember at the time I was very fixated on the news coming out about Itaewon.

    I have never felt a feeling like this before in my life, and I haven't since. It was like being surrounded and infused with love and peace, I can't describe it. It affected me so much that I drew a picture of it in my illustrated journal and I'd never done that with a dream before.

    Does anyone get anything from this image, or from my story? This was the beginning of my shift from hardline materialist to woo woo believer. I've never been able to shake the feeling that this dream was something more.

    Tagged NSFW to be safe due to mention of the Itaewon crowd crush incident and the drawing.

Reply to: meroboh
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