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Forums Forums Mediums ways to communicate w spirits?

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    i’ve been getting a bunch of synchronicities, that makes me believe that my deceased bf is near, and i really want to find more ways to communicate with him, if there’s any advice y’all could give me, i’d rlly appreciate it <3

  • ways to communicate w spirits?

     Neville updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • hernowthis

    August 18, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    A big part of it is actually “believing” they are there and not being afraid to hear from them. I wrote a guide on how to communicate with your guides on my blog: []( but you can use it to communicate with any kind of spirit. Give the spirit you’re talking to the same amount of attention you would your best friend. Get into that state of “listening”. The same thing you do when you’re listening to your friend tell a really interesting story. And keep in mind, you might see images, feel things, smells things, hear things etc…based on which “pathway” is most open in you. I explain more in link. Good luck with it!

  • Frankie52480

    August 18, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    Aww I’m really sorry you lost your SO 💜 well, I use my Pendulum to talk to my guides, but never have I used it in a depressed state (or to talk to other spirits) as I don’t wanna attract bad entities. So if you aren’t up for it emotionally I wouldn’t suggest that. You can also visit a medium?

    As far as synchronicities go, they can be the spirit realm sending us signs! It’s also very possible that you’re manifesting some of them with your mind. It’s really common for those in grief to manifest things that remind them of their ex since that’s all they’re focused on. And the more we focus on a thing the more we manifest that into reality. Two other ppl I recently spoke to told me they kept meeting other people with the same name as their ex. They are likely manifesting that by constantly thinking of their exes. I’m certainly not here to say which one it was! Just giving you the possibilities. Also manifesting is a really beautiful thing. You can even likely manifest a visit with him. Just be open to how that visit comes. Don’t demand it be a certain way. He’s not exactly a pro at coming through as he passed recently and that sorta thing takes time to master. It might be a dream, it might be a light flicker- it could be anything. But if it happens you’ll likely know in your soul it is him.

  • WhoKnows-0

    August 18, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    I’m really sorry for your loss. It’s likely your bf is trying to connect.

    My beautiful man passed earlier this year, and there are several things that have helped me cope and connect. You might want to:

    1) Watch interviews of people who have undergone near death experiences just so you know what you’re bf experienced after crossing over. I like to watch the ones from Thanatos TV on YouTube.

    2) Read books like Till Death Don’t Us Part and Love Never Dies for examples of how our loved ones can connect and how we can maintain relationships with them.

    3) Sign up for online mediumship workshops by Suzanne Giesemann or others who help teach you how to enhance your “clairs” (e.g., clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience) and connect with your loved ones. You don’t have to be a medium to take these classes. In fact, about 80% of attendees at mediumship classes are simply trying to connect with their own loved ones.

    4) Try an online class at Arthur Findlay College. They’ll teach you how to hone your skills.

    5) Join a group or find a few friends interested in developing their ESP to practice what you’re learning.

    6) Many professional mediums talk about the importance of meditating to connect. Some of my most meaningful connections with my guy and other loved ones have been in meditation.

    Good luck!

  • Spookytarotblu

    August 18, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    You can use pendulums, ouija boards if ur cool with them, sometimes tarot it depends on your beliefs, you could just talk to them out loud and ask them to do specific stuff if they are there or want to talk, you could also use dowsing rods.

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