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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Weekly Beginner Q&A Thread – April 23, 2022

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    Beginners and users new to reddit — please post your questions here!

    Please be mindful and respectful of each other. This thread is designed to assist new practitioners in gaining knowledge to progress their craft, and a place for veterans to spread their knowledge.

    Also check out the [r/witchcraft FAQ](

  • Weekly Beginner Q&A Thread – April 23, 2022

  • AutoModerator

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    Hi, thanks for your submission! We just wanted to take a quick moment to remind everybody of our [banner contest](, running until June 21, 2022!

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    by inwitchcraft

  • crystalspells

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    What online resources would you guys recommend for crystal uses? Particularly something simple and easy to read, as opposed to whole paragraphs for every crystal 😅

  • pastelliyah

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    good day! i just joined the channel(?) and i really have an important question.

    TLDR: i parted ways with my circle of friends who are all into astrology and witchcraft, after that, i suddenly got weird physical illness (like wounds that turn into dark scars and take a while to heal). these days, my wounds heal faster whenever i light a candle and offer it to an angel. i dont know: am i hexed or not?


    i’m L. back in march, i parted ways with my group of friends who are also my workmates. we’re all into spirituality. a lot of them are working with different deities, ranging from angels, to demons, to gods. they know magick, too. i left in a bad note. they were all mad at me. there were hard feelings. i had negative emotions towards them, too. but i decided to let it go as it does not serve me a good purpose.

    the one who has the upper-hand in our group, said to me before i left (non verbatim): i can no longer have you under my power and protection. i will no longer protect you and give you power.

    which is okay for me since he was my mentor and he can take back everything he gave me.

    after leaving, i didn’t think of anything. since i trust them and i spent a whole good year with them. but just days after leaving, these happened:

    1. ⁠after 4 months of having my period during this specific moon sign, on march, i got delayed.
    2. ⁠i had the worse acne breakout on the right side of my face (i blame it on the period… or is it rly it?)
    3. ⁠i started having wounds on my upper arm, back, and right thigh, then it takes a while to heal. the wounds start small, then it gets bigger, then it turns black.
    4. ⁠one time, i was not able to pee for half a day.
    5. ⁠i had two dreams about the “He” in the group.

    then recently, an angel approached me. an angel of protection. and He told me to light a candle for Him and the other angel that approached me as well. after that, my wounds started healing faster. and i’m feeling way better.

    i just want to know if im hexed or not? if yes, what can i do to see if im rly hexed? like egg cleansing? or how can i protect myself from the hex? :((

    thank you so much! sorry this is kinda long.

  • notyour_basicbitch

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    Hi! I’m new to this sub. I would like to start creating my own sigils. I have found a bunch of different ways of creating them. My question is, is there a specific way to create a personal sigil that I could teach my kids?

  • future-alchemist

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    Hi all, I am not really a witch, but I have long been interested in manifesting and creating the life you want with the power of the universe. I’ve been distracted from that path for some time but I want to get back on the path of spirituality and manifestation. I know this is a brand new account but I think the FAQ said it’s ok for new accounts to post in the FAQ threads, just not make new posts.

    In my youth I dabbled in tarot and witchcraft of the tumblr type (ie making up sigils and stuff, I didn’t know what I was doing, and didn’t have the willpower to actually make things work. So nothing happened). I feel called back to this. As an adult I have a lot more willpower and discipline, I am able to focus my mind a lot better than I could as an adolescent, and I also have more freedom to practice without being interrupted (lol) as well as doing my own research without having anyone looking over my shoulder. I know research is necessary and I have some books on hold at the library already, but I’m reading online in the meantime.

    The thing I feel most drawn to is the idea that I can shape the universe by shaping my internal thoughts. And the idea that I can use external rituals and items to help “tune in” my thoughts. I have some ideas for how I might implement some stuff, and I would love some feedback.

    For example, if I am cooking and I stir my pot clockwise and mentally set the intention, “This food is filling and nourishing, this food gives me energy, this food keeps me full until my next meal.” Is that… witchcraft/magic? Or is it just setting intention and manifesting a reality? Or is it just a coincidence, given that the food is likely to fill me up and give me energy no matter what? And if it is witchcraft, is that considered a spell? Ritual? What?

    Is there a difference between manifesting and witchcraft? I guess I think of them as two sides of the same coin but I could be wrong.

    I appreciate any insight y’all can offer me! 🙂

  • urbanmoonz

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    i’ve been interested in practicing witchcraft for many years now. i’ve done it on and off for a little while but, im having trouble finding authentic information on it. im interested in original witchery not the new practices. i dont trust anything i read with google searches. everything always leads up to “Buy this […] for the next step into” you get what im saying. does anyone know where i can find (real life locations or website) that have real information on original witchcraft. this can be the history and/or practices. im willing to travel to learn more. i lived in new orleans for a little while but i dont wanna scrape on voodoo.

  • LuluLuna12

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    I’m curious, what does it mean when deity is your patron/matron? I have tried to look into it but I haven’t got an answer.

  • BambooFun

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    New to this kind of, seen a handful of videos mostly on crystals and wondering where the best places or books to check out on this sort of stuff is?

  • crystalspells

    April 24, 2022 at 1:52 am

    For liquid offerings to the fae, is it acceptable to pour it on the ground for them, or does it need to be in a dish? I don’t wanna lose track of any containers if possible 😅

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