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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Weekly Q&A Thread – November 13, 2021

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  • Weekly Q&A Thread – November 13, 2021

  • Jagaimo_Knight

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Okay? Im very new this and Im surprised and freak out! So I just did my first honey jar today, and when I was meditating, I decide to hold the jar while concentrating my intention and the flame of the candle grew very bright???

    Is that normal? after I let go the jar, the flame went back to normal. When Im was holding the jar/concentrating again, it grew back super bright?

  • reaperXD024

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    What happens if you get your evil eye bracelet wet? Will it stop working? I’m only asking this bc I know that some crystals aren’t compatible with water and will lose their spiritual properties if they come into contact with water

  • DarkLight23422

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Can I use essential oils instead of plants for plant magick?

  • rottingcourage

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Hi! I’m a beginner in spirituality and witchcraft. I need some good websites to help me be as informed as I can be, or maybe certain posts on here that go into detail about paganism, wicca, and all of that. I tried going on google but I have a hard time trusting blogs that I find on my own.

  • gibonjy

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    hey guys! pls help me out. i was abt to try making my first moon water but i’m having a hard time as to where i should place my water when there are literally some trees..big trees surrounding here :< can the moon light still reach/pass through? thanks!

  • Icy_Afternoon4455

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Okay so I literally just woke up from the dream. I was taking a nap on the couch and in my dream I was doing the same, only I kept waking up and there was something wrong with me. I was trying to get my husbands attetion and he wasnt paying attention. This keeps happening over and over until finally I wake up one more time and im crawling towards my husband about to pass out and he still cant hear me. Its really weird because in one of the scenarios I woke up and my husband was giving my daughter a bath and I walked in and said I needed to go the hospital we have to ask your sister to watch the kids and then all of a sudden his sister comes in the house and takes some orange long object and runs and me and my husband try to catch up but she drives off and we are in the same house bit its different outside. I turn around and one of my old time friends is standing there with my daughter and that one ended there. The last one I remeber is walking into the kitchen and trying to stab myself with a butter knife but I was also trying to not stab myself. And it was always something with my eyes wrong. Like i had tunnel vision or couldnt open them all the way.I pulled a card from my tarot and it was 10 of cups reverserd also pulled a rune and it was Uruz. Could someone please help me interpret this? Im honeslty kind of freaked out

  • spacep1ll

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Hello! I just started doing research and practicing witchcraft today. Theres nothing that could create wind in my living room right now and my candle keeps flickering– does this mean someones trying to contact me? I know I shouldnt be manifesting or performing spells and such due to the lunar eclipse, but if someones trying to contact me, should I try to contact them via flame divination or other means once he eclipse has ended?

  • Mrs-schiky1

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    With a full moon along with a lunar eclips, does that increase energies, would it be good for a spell?

  • Desperate-Mirror-621

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    okay hi I’m new to everything. I cleansed my room for the first time and I put it back into the holder when I was done cleaning. the smoke when crazy for a few seconds then went back to normal. we heard noises right outside my room door and my dog was throwing up right next to my door. I don’t think it was the incense because she wasn’t in my room and I only just lit the incense a few minutes before. what does this mean? nothing like this has happened before even when I had a ton of candles lit in my room she never got sick from it.

  • mythiccthemysticc

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Does anyone know a good and simple protection spell against hexes or anything against any negative energy? I’m a beginner witch and don’t have much so I’ll need to use things that will most likely be found in a kitchen

  • Palkesz

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Is there a piece of media that can help someone get an idea of what witchcraft is? A book, a movie, a series, a video, a blog a pamphlet anything? I’m kind of interested in learning what it is all about, but it seems like a heavy golden ball polished to perfection, ie. very hard to pick up.

    I haven’t the faintest clue as to what witches are IRL and how they operate. Are there even… idk. Study books? Or a holy book? Or is it more of an oral tradition? Was asking for a piece of media a stupid thing to do?

    I’m not sure if I want to be a witch or cast spells or anything like that -not right now, anyway- but I’m fairly certain I want to know more. So far I know that witches are real. So I’ve got that going for me.

    Basically I’ve heared witches are a thing that exist in real life and I have no clue what to do to further my knowledge in that field.

  • gulashova

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Please help me, I’m soo alone with this and it’s spiralling and it makes me tired. I was doing soo well with self concept, mental diet, affirmations… now I need support :c
    Soo. Background:
    We broke up 6months ago. I was manic (bipolar) and couldn’t recollect why we broke up.
    During these 6months I messaged him many times, without his response or with just a brief „leave me alone” (I know, I was pathetic. but I really wanted to straighten things out if I did something wrong)
    I just wanted a conversation.
    So a conversation happened two days ago. He said he doesn’t want to stay in contact and that he doesn’t want to be together. I was in my mind „Ok, whatever, we still are together” he said to not write to him.
    Next day. He sent me a sad emoji. I was like whaaat? And I knew – this is important – I had this deeper knowing that I have him and got excited and started naturally affirming „he’s so in love with me! etc it was flowing efforlessly. I was calm. I knew. I believed. I felt it. Like a sabbath. Because he never messaged me first during these 6months. It was a crumb though and I didnt want to accept it (aka I didnt want to reply), I wanted more. Also, he said not to contact him, so why would I respond? You see, when I was writing to him be wasnt responsive, but when he wrote a dumbass emoji I should be responding? Hell no! I was feeling so good. I knew more was to come. Butt… I responded. I feel shitty right now, as if I didnt have enough self respect (you get it where it comes from)
    It should be like with neville and his house – he wanted a certain offer for his house and he PERSISTED and DECLINED poor offers until he got what he wanted. This is what I wanted to do. But it turned out otherwise… we had no contact at all, now we have very little, but I didnt want to settle for that :c how can I recover? If I only stayed stronger and didnt reply..

  • Jagaimo_Knight

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    I am new to this and I am a man of science but believe in spiritual practice. I have no experience. My two coworkers have convince to try a Honey Jar. They have experience with witchcraft, not me.

    How often do I have to light a candle on it? My two coworkers have told me just do it on Fridays and focus meditate with my intention. I did a little researching and some people do it everyday and some people do it on moon cycles?

    Is doing on Friday good enough to generate enough energy? Also does it matter what time of day I do it? Is it better to do it at night or morning?

    I know this coming Friday will be a full moon which is why my two coworkers have recommend me to do it.

  • Uylimaz

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    tomorrow is partial lunar eclipse. are we not gonna be able to make moon water?

  • rit169

    November 20, 2021 at 4:32 am

    Hi! is it true that we shouldn’t manifest/charge crystals/set intentions this full moon tomorrow?

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