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Forums Forums Tarot “Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread – January 18, 2021”

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    Please use this thread to request a reading, to request help with interpretation, or to offer free readings. This thread is refreshed every Sunday.

    If you are requesting help with interpretation, please comment using the following format:

    * The question(s) you’re asking, with any context you would like to share.

    * An explanation of the spread you’re using. Diagrams or links are welcome.

    * A photo or description of the cards you dealt. You can upload photos via imgur, or another hosting service.

    * Your interpretation.

    If someone helps you, consider giving them some feedback or thanking them for their work!

  • “Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread – January 18, 2021”

    CottonCandyGoblin updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 48 Replies
  • cherrytomato44

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hi! I’ve been trying to get clarity in some aspects of my life, some people I met here already helped me a lot. Still I’m feeling lost, more than before, as I was putting too much energy on something that could be different from my expectations.
    I would appreciate if I can get a reading on my love life and career, that I was “leaving behind” while focusing my thoughts elsewhere. (Can I ask it to be via DM?)

  • hopingreallyhard

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hi, would anyone do a love reading for me? I am in a bad place and I feel like I’ve started to interpret the cards to suit what I want to hear instead of being realistic. Need some clarity ????????

  • randomchick4

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hey, kind internet strangers. Tonight was my first-time trying Tarot. I bought myself the Modern Witch Deck a month or so ago.

    My question wasn’t fascinating, just seeking guidance, as I recently have embarked on a significant career/life change and see lots of change/opportunity ahead of me in nearly all aspects of my life.

    I did the most comfortable draw in my little explanation book, four cards: past, present, future, and advice. I swear I shuffled a ton but apparently not well.

    My cards were:

    Past: lovers

    Present: wheel of fortune

    Future: 9 of wands

    Advice: The Hierophant

    My interpretation:
    Well. The last three seem to be spot on for my life; I just quick my full-time job and am chalking this career up to a solid first try and learning experience, but overall, I’ve been miserable with for the last eight years. Time for a change 🙂 that seams to take care of cards 2 and 3.
    I am currently looking at graduate school as my entry to a new field of work. Card 4.

    The card I don’t understand is Past: The Lovers.
    My actual relationship with my partner is excellent; we are stable and have been together for 5+ years. If anything, it’s the only thing in my life currently I see going forward with me.

    If anything, my past career has been anything but lovely. When I quit my job, everyone acted like I was getting out of an abusive relationship (they aren’t wrong, but it annoys me )

    Okay, what do you all think?

  • BarOfMars

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    I asked the deck what does person A feel about person B and would like some help interpreting it. I drew 4 cards and 2 clarification cards.

    1. Death Reversed
    2. The World
    3. Two Of pentacles
    4. The Empress

    And for the clarification cards they were: The Emperor for The World and The Hierophant for The Two of Pentacles. Thank you!

  • yeezywassupp

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Asked my deck if me and someone are meant to be together and have a “soul contract” of sorts and got King of cups, 3 of cups, ace of cups, then 6 of cups as clarification. Very weird lol. Can anyone help out?

  • meowbug87

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    hey strangers, i’m somewhat new to tarot and would love some help interpeting my daily spread today. i had a really hard evening yesterday on top of an intense week in the self improvement department (am in a period of intense reckoning and transformation – i’ve definitely made it to the “other side” but i have far to go) and am just feeling confused/a bit iffy on my intuition right now. i’m feeling a lot of pulls back to old habits. not so much thought patterns, but it’s like i feel so far from those thoughts now that i’m wanting to do the things i used to do to recreate them and feel safe again.

    theme of today – nine of pentacles

    subconscious – seven of cups

    advice – the heirophant

    am happy to provide more context or even my weekly reading from this past sunday, but in dms cause i’m shy. thx a bunch ????

    (this is based on the classic rider-waite deck)

  • walnut-cookie

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hey 🙂 is anyone interested in an exchange? 🙂 I have a question about love and no contact

  • solskinnratel

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    So I did a year ahead type spread a few weeks ago using the Light Seer’s Tarot, and my yearly energy card was the 10 of swords, reversed. In that deck’s guidebook, the 10 of swords has a little more negative connotation than traditional, and the upright version is a little more positive. I generally feel fairly connected to this deck’s guidebook descriptions for most cards. The overall meaning of this card has been eluding me and giving me a little anxiety because this is a Big Year for me but also will have some serious “down time” that I don’t know how to fill. For context: I’m finishing an accelerated Master’s program this semester. I’m hella busy and somehow decided on top of 6 grad courses (18 credits) I could teach 3 chemistry labs too. It’s very busy. After this my plan is to apply to medical school. If I do apply this year, I won’t know anything about it until next year.

    I finally did a clarification spread for this:

    **What situation or domain of my life is this referring to?** The Tower
    **How am I likely to act initially when confronted with this?** Knight of Swords, Reversed
    **How can I act instead for the greatest good?** 3 of Wands
    **Quint:** The Emperor
    **Shadow:** 4 of Swords

    I feel a little less anxious about it, but I get the feeling I’m missing something overall. I’m not surprised by the Tower- ten of swords feels very Tower-sequential me anyway- but it didn’t clarify the situation for me at all.

    The other cards, I interpret like: I’m going to feel really impatient initially and want to just run at the issue head first without stopping to plan or think things through in a logical and objective fashion. It would be more beneficial for me to take a slower approach- I’m moving in the right direction and should continue to make meaningful progress, but I really just need to be patient and know that what I seek is still coming. I just need to keep my eyes open to the opportunities. Need to remember to think strategically- risks are okay, and I still need to take action, but overall need to make sure I’m not “spinning my wheels” and burning energy for no reward.

    Any other thoughts for me about this? TIA 🙂

  • [deleted]

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am


  • butts36

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    I’m looking for some help interpreting a reading I just did for myself. I was using the Pagan Otherworlds deck, which I always use strictly upright, because their guide book doesn’t have a reversed option, so I just interpreted that to mean it should be read upright.

    My partner is about to have a fairly major surgery, so I asked what he needs from me right now, and I got 3 of swords. This was a bit confusing, so I asked for a clarifying card and got Queen of Pentacles.

    I have usually read 3 of Swords as a card of heartbreak, and sometimes recovery. I suppose it may mean he needs me to just take a clean break and walk away from him, because our relationship has been challenging at times. He will be getting the surgery in another city, so it’s possible it means we need to apart right now. I read the queen of pentacles as being quite nurturing. My possible reading of the two together is that I should take time to heal myself (I’m also undergoing 2 surgeries, plus a lot of emotional trauma), and nurture myself as well as him. But I’m still fairly new with tarot and I’m not great at combining card meanings yet. Any help would be great!

  • KittySoftPaw

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hello, I am looking for some interpretation help with a reading I recently did. I used the Modern Witch Tarot Deck. I am tempted to use a more familiar and traditional R.W. deck to double check but I figured I would try here first. Also, I don’t want more anxiety.

    I did a health reading – past/present/future and I pulled another card to elaborate on the future card (death)

    1. Past: reverse knight of cups – I read this as distraction or not focusing. Not careful or mindful of health.

    2. Present: the fool – I read this as being held accountable for past. Like accepting situation. Or like a d’oh type of situation.

    3. Future: Death – argh so this is where I am confused – I know death rarely means death and maybe it means end of bad health or change of health to bad .. My instinct says it is bad.. So being confused I pulled another card…

    4. Elaboration of future: hanged one – so I’ve seen this as like peace but.. Could it mean stuck or dying or surgery ..

    I’m stuck.. Any suggestion?

    The person I am reading for recently started having heart related symptoms like palpitations and has future tests scheduled to determine source.

  • MajesticRin

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hello, I’m open to exchange readings if anyone is interested 🙂

  • [deleted]

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am


  • Bittner029

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    I am new to this, could someone help me interpret this? The spread is tetraktys, the read was a general read about myself. Thoth deck.

  • stormyweatherme

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    I need some advice and if there is a gentle soul that would like to help me with a free reading (I’m broke, would love to pay normally) that would be great!

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