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Forums Forums Mediums Weird dreams while/after people die?

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    My grandad died recently and I had a very weird experience from it. It was during covid so couldn’t see him while he was dying in person but I was having text updates from another relative.
    It was during the night so I was sleeping on and off and checking my phone and thinking about him and hoping he is ok. I then had one weird dream that can probably be explained by how much I was thinking of him but it was still strange. I dreamed that o was him and dying but I couldn’t really tell what was going on.
    All my muscles were hot cold and tingly feeling and it just felt bad like a kind of stretching ripping type pain? And I woke up feeling so stressed and upset and checked my phone that he was still alive.
    Because of how stressful that dream was I was tossing and turning then when I fell back asleep I had a very abstract dream that I couldn’t remember properly. It was woodland area with a golden coloured sunlight and v beautiful and peaceful and someone who I think was my aunt was saying to me don’t worry darling he is there (in the dream I knew what the place was and had a memory though I don’t now. ) and I woke up feeling peaceful and checked my phone and sawed passed the second time I was asleep.
    I saw a post on nde someone had posted about a pagan afterlife called the summer lands and I looked it up and it sounded exactly like the place in my dream. I have had other weird dreams like this in the past which felt very real and different to normal dreams.
    Has anyone had any similar experience?

  • Weird dreams while/after people die?

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • arlenemills_medium

    October 18, 2021 at 6:22 am

    Hi, I am sorry that you Grandfather passed recently.

    From my teaching you have had a soul to soul experience. We are all souls, each of us and when we die our soul proceeds to summer land ( we call this in spiritualism also) The soul has all the wisdom. What happens when we communicate with those who have passed we are communicating soul to soul. Mediums do this more often as they have attuned their abilities. These abilities are enhanced in the altered state.

    You where in a altered state when lightly sleeping. This allows your conscious mind to slow down so your soul mind can be receptive. When receptive you had a spiritual visit with love and messages. Message could be simply I’m ok and I love you. The soul is very powerful, and we don’t recognize it in our daily life, however this is our power that keeps us going through difficult times and is our biggest cheerleader.

    Your dream had a different feel, your 100 percent correct. Maybe read this I describe a bit more of the vividness. A visitation dream where the two souls meet is amazing but startling. I can appreciate your feelings however know how it feels and when your soul has another visit you have a better feeling. Write the whole dream down or put in points, keep it tucked away as there is great meaning to it.

    You are well loved, appreciated and missed. Your soul encounter is beautiful even though we can be rattled a bit. Maybe my blog may help. Sending lots of blessings Arlene

  • TheSaltyTarot

    October 18, 2021 at 6:22 am

    Sounds like an anxiety dream, followed by a psychic dream. How do you feel now?

  • Witchytata

    October 18, 2021 at 6:22 am

    Sorry for your loss. There’s many ways to honor the dead with a bóveda setup or altars with their pictures.
    Here goes a recipe to honor your ancestors and family

    Bóveda setup – 9 cups with a large goblet in the middle of fresh cool water every Monday with a cross the cross lays on top and when you are ready to work with it you place it inside *use white cloth to place cups on top*
    Light a candle *never blow a candle out* and as you begin to pray you will feel chills letting you know they are around you. Give offerings like rum tobacco

    Cleansing spell – grab an egg use rum spray 3 times if possible. Use a candle *never blow candles out* a glass of water and you put the egg to your *head as you pray to your guardian angel* and rub it all over your body and dispose of it in the woods or 4 corners with 9 cents to the spirit guide. Try not to walk through the area for 7 days
    Follow me on ig-witchytata

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