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    Aright, today I woke up at exactly 6:33. I had to get up to do something early, but I didn’t feel like getting up yet so I closed my eyes and went back to sleep for a total of 15 minutes. In this 15 minute span, I had a dream of a ghost.

    A little bit into the dream, suddenly it felt like something ripped the covers off my back. Not like something actually did, but when I say my back suddenly got cold like something did I mean it. I shivered from the cold, and I realized there was something off here, even in my sleep. About the second I realized something was wrong, my back got colder and colder, felt like someone just put my back in a meat locker. It felt like something put a heavy blanket of energy over me so I couldn’t move. Which, I’d just shivered and moved a little moments before so sleep paralysis doesn’t really make sense. My back was freezing at this point, although I didn’t feel quite threatened. It felt like something was literally cuddling my back looking back now. At the time I was just freaking out to an extent, I don’t like when ghosts make you unable to move. Not my first ghostly unmoving session, and I’ve had it happen when I was wide awake so I know when they do it and how it feels.

    When I was finally able to break free of this I immediately sat up and noticed my room was a lot warmer than the cold feeling on my back. It’s been an hour later now, and my back still feels cold to me even though I’ve gotten up and done other things. Another thing I’d like to note is after I broke free from this, I heard “open your eyes, *my name*” telepathically.

    After I got up and started doing things, the world looked a lot more wavy in places. Walking out of my house, there was a distinct white veil at the threshold of the door. I noticed walking in and out of my house this morning that the air felt heavier in here than normal. But the most baffling part of it all, is that the ghost only interacts like this with me.

    My family has just started to notice smells at random times maybe once, but the ghost or ghosts only interact with me. Also when I say interact, I mean they leave no doubt in my mind that they are here. They do things like this, sometimes I can even see them, have woken me up when I’ve just fell asleep by knocking 3 times on my dresser and making a loud scratch like noise against the wall, they mess with my dreams and even touch me in my sleep like above. I’ve also had instances where they have literally grabbed me in my sleep and made me astral project. I didn’t stick around the realm to check it out though.

    I regularly cleanse my room of bad spirits, I’ve had a bad interaction with a shadow figure last year that didn’t go away easily. I got rid of it though for sure, but I did have bad interactions with it attacking me in my sleep and even going as far as leaving a mark on my back. Even though this spirit feels nonthreatening to an extent, I still don’t like things messing with me in my sleep for that reason.

    By the way, what is up with spirits and my back?! Like every time one tries to physically interact with me they most of the time touch my back. Even my first encounter with a ghost when I was young pressed it’s hand on my back.

    I don’t really know if I’m just sharing, or if anyone can look into my energy for this and give me some insight. I don’t really mind this ghost, it’s kinda helpful and will wake me up in the mornings when I have to get up. I do wanna know about the back thing though.

  • Well that’s one way to wake up.

    SpiritedPlaces updated 2 years, 12 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • SpiritedPlaces

    May 6, 2021 at 11:43 pm

    Idk why I thought of this but do you have any tattoos on your back?

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