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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What are the main reasons for spells not working?

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    From what I understand, it’s about the intention behind things rather than spending £££ on special ingredients or tools. Given this, what are the main reasons of why spells sometimes don’t work? I’m not talking about backfiring or going wrong, more that I’ll do a spell for a very specific reason and literally zero will come of it.

  • What are the main reasons for spells not working?

  • mamabug27

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Sometimes spells fail because people rely too much on the magical and forget the mundane. For example, if I do a fertility spell to have a baby then I better also be having sex with my husband, if I do a cord cutting spell I still need to set boundaries in my relationship with whatever I cut cords with, if I do a spell for prosperity then I still need to put in applications for higher paying jobs or further my education, etc.

    I often say the mundane is magical. So for example, I made protection bottles for my children. So each time I teach them about body safety or setting boundaries or asking for help…that’s the spell. The bottle or candle or whatever is just me adding extra energy to it.

  • kai-ote

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    You are trying to bend the Universe. It takes varying amounts of power/energy to do that. Often, the resistance to change and inertia of the Universe is greater than the push you gave it. Push again. Harder next time. Focus precisely. A small magnifying glass can start a fire because of the precise focus of the Suns power on a small point of space/time. So, be even more focused on exactly the change you are making. And if one type of spell does not seem to be getting the results you want, try a different type. Hope that helps a little. BB.

  • queenofdodos

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    In my past experience, spells that seem to fail for no reason fail because a) I didn’t have the right mindset/energy for the work; b) I started doubting myself after the fact; c) the end result just wasn’t meant to be.

  • firebear15

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    I feel a lot of my issues stem from my depression and self hatred. It’s hard to really want something enough to manifest it when a part of yourself doesn’t believe you deserve it. A small part of me fights and doubts and worries away my blessings.

    It’s the same as a person who doesn’t believe in hypnosis at all being unable to be hypnotized. You need to let outside forces in and that can be scary when you’re used to let down and failure.

    Not sure if this helps but faith is a powerful thing.

  • Crafty-Particular998

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    It’s about will. You may have self-doubt, or there may be a bigger energetic influence on the situation that your will simply just doesn’t match, rendering a spell ineffective.

  • Shin-yolo

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Take a money spell for instance: one of the biggest reasons why they might not work is because there aren’t enough avenues for the money to travel on. If you are sitting home all day, on your computer, refusing to get a job when one is practically landed in your lap and closing off from the world, there are no avenues for the money to reach you so you’re not going to get it.

  • kalizoid313

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    I look at it this way.

    Spells accomplish outcomes. What practitioners are doing influences the outcomes. But does not assure any particular outcome with certainty. So doing a spell does get the spellcaster an outcome. That outcome might be in the baseball park. But not the home run the batter intended, only a double, say. or, maybe, a double play ending the inning.

    Spells are like at bats. Sometimes there’s a hit, sometimes, a foul, other times, a strike or a ball. Skill is involved. So is chance and probability and stats.

  • _Crashley_

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Magic is kind of like electricity and takes the easiest path to ground. If it hits too much resistance, it doesn’t flow.

    You’ve got to give your magic a path to follow. I’ve used this example before:

    You cast a non specific money spell. You may a get rebate check in the mail. A friend may pay you back some money that they owe you. You may get offered OT at work. You may find a better job opportunity, or some extra freelance work. You might hit the lottery.

    Or, you could ask a specific money spell. You want $25,672, in cash, on your front porch, by next Wednesday. The universe has to make a million trillion adjustments to make that happen. Is it possible? Sure. Is it probable? Hell no.

    It’s like casting a spell to win the lottery, *but never actually playing the lottery.* It’s never going to happen because there’s no path to it. Or more to the point, you aren’t providing it a path to get to you.

    So usually when magic doesn’t work that’s why. It’s not the only reason though. If you weren’t in the right headspace or too exhausted to summon/wield the energy properly, that could be the reason. Or, and this seems to be hardest for newer witches…constantly worrying about it or believing that the spell won’t work, or may not work. You’re not doing yourself any favors there.

    The last reason could be…call it what you want, your gods, your spirit guides, the universe itself…sometimes it just knows better than you.

    Case in point: I bought a cheap car. I had to dump a bunch of money into it and it was taking me broke. I always keep protective symbols in the car and ask the travel gods to watch over me when driving.

    A drunk driver hit me and totalled the car. I wondered, hmmm…why didn’t my protection work?

    Two weeks later I got a check for 4x what I paid for the car. I ended up buying a newer, much nicer car that I didn’t have to put any work into. No more money pit. No more wondering if it’s going to break down any second or if it will pass inspection.

    Seems like the travel gods were listening intently and gave me everything I needed, even tho I didn’t realize it til after the fact. Especially considering the fact it was a head on collision at 55mph and I walked away with a banged knee, which is pretty much impossible.

    So, if your love spell doesn’t work, probably because every guy you’re about to “run into” is the wrong guy for you. You did a spell to get that new job? Well, maybe that job would have run you ragged and made you miserable. Sometimes, it’s better that your magic doesn’t work.

    And sometimes, it works….just not the way you thought it was going to.

  • Nekomonochan

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    There are too many things that may cause your spell to not work, for example:

    * Not contributing to your intention of the spell outside of spellcasting itself
    * Your spell’s intentions must be realistic and achievable
    * You must approach your spell with an aligned spirit, as much as possible (I usually meditate before and after spells and cleanse the area and myself spiritually)
    * Your intention and spirit must not be resentful or spiteful (attend to your shadow self)
    * You must be ready for the consequences for your spell working out

    Sometimes things simply do not work out because you might not be ready for it one way or another. It might also need longer that you expect to take effect.

  • witchymitolonea

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    I think is for our energy for example Im not doing latetly any spell because I feel depressed and anxious so Im waiting for my mood to be up and do it. You have to put a lot of positive energy in your spells to work.

  • Stevenmother

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    I look at it kind of the same way my prayers some times does not happen. It just doesn’t work & there is no way to know why. Some times things dont go the way we want them too & we have to accept that & move on to what is working in our lives.

  • MossyHillside

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    Move your hands, move your feet. As above so below

  • SelkieHimbo

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    In my experience, there are several reasons this might happen. Mainly, it’s that some spells take a long time to occur. Like… maybe you do a spell to get a boyfriend, and you don’t know that like… you aren’t ready yet. Or, maybe you are ready, but there isn’t anybody you like. So you do the spell, and it takes like 2 years before you find a boyfriend. But that relationship might last a while, if the spell was asking for a good relationship.

    Another reason spells might not workout is that it’s something you think you want, but if you got it, you wouldn’t like it or know what to do with it. That’s where ‘divine intervention’ happens.

    Other times, it could be you need to work with a specific deity to help things along. Everybody has their specialties, and some deities work better in one area of life than another.

    Also, if the spell involves circumstances outside your immediate control, It’s gonna have to go through more than just your higher self and spirit team. So like… sometimes it is that you have to make the physical effort for the spiritual side to line up.

    IE – Like, a spell to make friends involves lots of others opinions and actions. Where as, a spell for good grades only involves your actions, and the teachers. So for friends, you have to go socialize and talk to people, and make efforts on your own. When you do this, the universe will meet you halfway. For good grades, you might not need to do anything differently, the teacher might get replaced by a sub or the tests are open book now. Maybe you just… get it, and studying becomes easier. The less other people are involved, the quicker a spell manifests.

    I used to believe I shouldn’t repeat spells. I’m still on the fence about it. I do think it can change the energy of the original spell, and make it less likely to manifest. I also feel it can become a sort of mantra, and speed manifestation up. Depends on your energy. Some spells need that mantra level focus to work.

  • Ixogamer

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    because witchcraft does not actually work.

  • Sazbadashie

    March 31, 2022 at 2:12 am

    There’s many reasons. Sometimes people don’t actually believe what they’re doing will help, some do the spell the stay still as in they don’t go anywhere and they resist going with the flow basically working against their own spell. Sometimes you don’t have the magical or spiritual energy to cast a spell like that. And in the end sometimes it just dosnt work spells fizzle or the flow of magic dosnt go your way. Just because you cast a spell dosnt mean its 100% now going to happen no matter what.

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