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Forums Forums Astrology What are the planets in your 6th house, which sign rules it, and what’s your relationship with routines?

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    Are you strict about your routines? Do you even have one? Are you more flexible or rather specific about certain parts of your routine? Could be any routine honestly, like things you do every day, curious to see how the signs play out! Any input is appreciated!

  • What are the planets in your 6th house, which sign rules it, and what’s your relationship with routines?

     quesqotrickster updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • NF77VT

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Mars in cancer in the 6H.
    Def have struggled with keeping routines as it ebbs and flows. Sometimes I don’t feel like I have the energy to get on with day to day stuff and others I have a lot.
    Same with the concept of routines, I’ve been able to be strict and keep certain diligent routines but other times not at all.

  • msmicro

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Capricorn 6th moon with mars/Chiron conjunction AQUARIUS. Icy little heart n a bit of a slug. I get done what needs done. My daily routine is very consistent

  • Cryptid_Cutie

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Scorpio 6H, my North node and Pluto are in there.
    I really struggle to give myself a routine yet I thrive when I have routine responsibilities (for myself)
    I hate working for hourly pay at my service jobs, but I do find that I often make sweeping changes to my life when I feel I really need something stable.
    My friends joke with me about my tendencies to break patterns. Idk it’s tiring. Scorpio north node in the 6H is hard for me to understand, especially since my Sun/Southnode are in taurus in the 12

  • psychedelic_raccoon

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    aries ruling my 6h. only got ceres in there forming a yod with my virgo sun in 11h and scorpio moon in 1h. because of the sextile between my sun and moon, i have a natural balance between my mind and my emotions. this balance, however, is dependent on the state of my aries ceres in the 6h. if i’m not putting in the daily work to nurture and look after myself, then my head-heart harmony breaks and i fall pretty hard. i need to demonstrate self-love in my routine and habits, else i suffer greatly emotionally and mentally.

  • kuro74

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Mars in Gemeni in 6th house. I always had digestive problems, i get an indigestion every month because if how much i stress about stuff. I love routine, but i struggle keeping one because i get bored doing the said thing, though i do try to have some certain habbits that I know are good for me. I find that more practical things that take me out if my mind easier to do for me like sport in the morning rather than meditation in the morning, only because it is harder to lose my focus when i do a physical activity.

  • findparadise

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Ruled by Capricorn, Saturn there. I’ve struggled to stick to a routine my entire life, I’ve found it so boring and restricting and nothing ever stuck, and it was only during my Saturn return that I was really forced to try to nail one down for the sake of my health. When I don’t have one, it feels like everything starts falling apart.

    I basically have a routine list of things I need to get done daily and weekly. I’ve had to be so specific and write it down otherwise I’ll never do it. It’s a lot of little fiddly things and I get frustrated with how long it takes. It feels like WORK.

    But I’m hoping I’ll get to a point where it’s all habitual and doesn’t take so much brain power

  • CallieCake

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Sagittarius in 6th – Venus & Mercury. Routines..?

  • idkhidemyemail

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Aries 6H, no planet and I can only do routine for a certain amount of time before changing it—I don’t hate it, I just can’t do the same thing for too long. Hence, the fact that I’ve already switched jobs 4 times in the course of 3 months 😅 otherwise, I’d feel overwhelmed, stuck and trapped. I need freedom…I’m also a sag moon too, so…

  • belladrogo

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Lilith in 6th. I like the idea of routines but I can’t stick to them and I don’t necessarily need one to function.

  • ministickerbook

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Libra 6th, rules by Venus in Pisces in 11th. I have Libra Pluto and Saturn and Scorpio Jupiter (all three retrograde) in 6th by placidus, and Pluto/Saturn/Mars (also Libra retro) by WS. My 12th house sun also opposes all three of these planets; mercury opposes pluto and jupiter. (thankfully not a close orb but still enough to count/feel it)

    I could write a whole book about my 6th house issues 🙃😵‍💫 (workaholic, martyr issues, tons of chronic health issues—thankfully nothing life threatening but my quality of life has been impacted for decades) But to try and summarize/answer your questions:

    – Not strict about routines, even though my harsh bad self-esteem wants me to. I suck at keeping routines but I am good at FORCING myself to do shit, esp for others. But then my mental and physical health severely suffer; only within the past few years have I finally started trying to put my health/wellbeing first over anything else, but it’s a long road.

    – I suck at even core self-care routines (even like eating/sleeping). I have to use an app to remind myself/keep track of doing simple tasks or else my anxiety/depression will often sideline me from doing it regularly. Incurring health issues from my terrible habits are the main driving factor in me having any self-care habits or else I’d prob be less motivated.

    – To tie the topics of strictness/frequency/self-care together, I suck at finding balance and managing my time, so if I do one routine then I run out of time to do another routine, and if I budget for all my routines I literally spend my whole day doing basic needs that takes a “normal” person a fraction of the time.

    – I can be flexible in that I’ll skip routines sometimes, but inflexible in that in the times I’ll let stuff slide because of necessity (i.e. running out of time), i’m pretty sure due to OCD (undiagnosed) it REALLY upsets me, but as I said, I am good at forcing myself to do shit I hate/that makes me feel bad 😓 an example would be: if I fall asleep without brushing my teeth, I painfully clench my teeth the whole night and sleep horribly. Or if I don’t do something in “the correct order” or something touches something “dirty” (i’m also a germophobe) my stomach and body all tense up or I get rage angry 😓 (It’s funny/good I guess that in typing all this out I’m like “god, I really do have a lot of issues” whereas about a decade ago—pre-therapy, I’d just consider these things to be normal/fine/manageable for me. Hooray for therapy. lol)

  • EmergencyFlorist

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto in 6th house. I’ve got ADHD and anxiety/depression — routines have been a lifelong struggle and I beat myself up for it so much. The only routines I seem to be able to stick to are negative/addictive ones, and it’s… really hard. I know that routines are good for me. But they bore me so much (Sun/Merc in Sag). And I, like many millennials — as someone so aptly stated in the Pluto Scorpio thread — struggle with addiction and eating disorders and just general ability to care for myself. It makes me feel deeply incompetent and doomed to a life of addiction and barely hanging on because my feelings feel too big and life feels too painful and I feel like too much.

    It’s rough out here.

  • ems8472

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Only my north node in the 6th. I have had raging ADHD all my life and I STRUGGGLE with routines and consistency. I have a planner, and when I’m using it religiously I’m super good about it… but 2-3 days without and I’m right back to my old bad time management habits.

  • broncobinx

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Empty 6H, ruled by Mars (Aries). I live for routine and stick to them very well.

  • arcturus00spica

    July 3, 2023 at 5:31 am

    So I have my sun ruled by libra and also my moon and mercury which are both ruled by Virgo all in my 6th house. I’m stressed out without a routine, but I’m terrible at creating and sticking with a consistent routine. Plus after a while I get annoyed with the same thing and have to switch it up.

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