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Forums Forums Astrology what are your personal experiences with twins?

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    I know the same chart can show up in different ways and i’m so fascinated in them. I’m curious if you know any twins who follow astrology? Or any astrological stories to share on twins you know?

  • what are your personal experiences with twins?

     Itchy_Plant_2020 updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • _____keepscrolling__

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    My family has 3 sets of twins actually! Hell I was going to be a twin myself but the other one didn’t make it unfortunately.

    I feel that they are all their placements, but what differentiates them is how much/little they embody those placements.

    For example my grandfather really embodies his Leo sun and Martian qualities while his brother embodies more their libra moon and Venus qualities.

    This post made me start thinking about the astrological and spiritual nature of my own lost twin, even if I never got to meet her, I’ve always wondered if she is ever with me in some way and if this would be apparent through astrology.

  • vrwriter78

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    One of my best friends had a twin I never met. But years ago, I did her chart and compared hers to her sisters. The difference in rising sign and house placements did affect them both.

    My friend was more easy-going and learned from mistakes of her elder brother and twin sister. She was the grounded and responsible child and took more responsibility for her choices. Her twin was stuck in victim mode and wanted everyone else to be responsible for her problems. It was always about what others were doing and not about ways she could improve her own life. I can’t remember the specific placements now, but I remember looking at their charts and thinking that my friend got slightly easier house placements than her sister who was born first.

    When you’re dealing with twins, I think birth order can play into it as well. One twin will have some traits more dominant than the other. It’s almost like that person is already expressing certain aspects so openly that the other twin won’t express them the same way. It might be more subtle or they express it in a different manner. I feel like the weight on each aspect will be a little different depending on each twin’s personality.

    So each twin draws more heavily on certain aspects which won’t necessarily be the same. Most twins want to have a unique identity, so they will emphasize different combinations of the aspect pool they share. So both have a similar capacity but what aspects they choose to develop the strongest may be different.

  • Spinningthruspace

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    Oh hey!! I’m a twin myself! I’ve always wondered about this, because me and my sister were born only a minute apart, but the difference between us is night and day, and I always struggled to figure out why.

    I’ve noticed a couple of traits that we share, but are handled differently between the two of us. We’re both very quick thinkers and we’re pretty effective communicators, as our Mars & Mercury are in gemini, along with our moon signs. With her, it manifests in acting with less internal anxiety, but for me, there’s more internal anxiety with an unsureness of how to act on it. Things always did seem to come effortlessly to her, with Scorpio being in Jupiter for us, making success come to us when we put our all into it , while I tend to be too scattered to be able to put my all into anything. She never had trouble focusing on the things she wanted to do, while I could never figure out how to start.

    That’s all I can really say, as I can only speak on observations I’ve made, since I can’t be in her brain like I am in my own haha. Im not sure exactly if we have the same exact natal chart since I don’t know how much difference a minute can even make, but…

  • Gabrinth-

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    I’m a twin; my brother and I differ in that I’m known for being more gentle and mystical while he’s more assertive and stereotypically male. He also has a ‘better’ job where I’ve spent more of my time learning astrology as a spiritual practice.

    Unsurprisingly my midheaven is in Pisces in the 9th house (whole sign) while his midheaven is in Aries in the 10th. This also puts our ICs in different signs and houses as well.

    Our personality and our relationship with our parents (specifically mother, but somewhat father) are the primary differences between us that anyone in our friends or family would point out. Other than that we’ve had nearly identical lives as identical twins.

  • ClearPrinciple7832

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    I don’t have much to say about how different twins can be (because obviously twins are going to behave differently) but the [astrology podcast]( has an episode about twins!

    Although I’m not trying to argue that twins are bound to lead the same lives or will always agree etc etc, buuut the story about a pair of [estranged twins]( leading peculiar similar lives is interesting to say the least. I don’t think this is a “thing” but this one case is incredible.

    [Epigenetics]( might play a role. Twins are exposed to especially similar environments, more so than regular siblings. I haven’t explored this idea much but,,, ya know.

    Ive noticed siblings that share similar placements to other siblings, as well as parents! For example, Mom is a gemini, daughter has moon in gemini; brother has venus in saturn ruled sign, sister has venus in saturn ruled sign. This is like astrology genes being passed down.

  • euphoriataurus

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    I’m longterm good friends with some twins, grew up with them. I’m not sure about any other placements besides their big 3

    Oldest (can’t even remember how many secs/mins by): Taurus sun, Cap moon, Sag rising

    Youngest: Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Cap rising

    Not really a story just observation. But the youngest who I’m closest to, was definitely more of the headstrong / dependable one (saying was because the oldest is a mom now and it definitely changed her a lot.) But she’s the one who’s gonna get shit done. Oldest one is the more chill / easygoing one. But overall, they are both very tough, bold people lol. Very strong personalities but in a good way

  • throwawayastr0grl

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    I know a set of twins that are Gemini suns and another that are Gemini moons. Thought that was very on brand.

  • Riverstultus

    January 17, 2023 at 6:43 pm

    I’ve heard with twins one represents more the moon sign sand the other the sun

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