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Forums Forums Mediums What are your thoughts on angel numbers? Do you think they’re a reliable source that angels, spirit guides, and passed loved ones use to communicate?

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    I’ve been going through a dark knight of the soul kind of energy. I have faced major trauma with death and a toxic situationship with an awful, narcissistic ex who has even lied about things I’ve done and has tried to get me into trouble with the police when in reality I am the innocent one and feel as though at times I was being punished. Luckily, I’ve stayed clear of legal issues and feel as though I am always being divinely protected. I like the saying, “good prevails over evil.” I kept feeling sick this morning over the ex and when I drove to get a Starbucks coffee this morning, a lovely blonde, blue-eyed young woman handed me my coffee and said, “Total comes to $8.88.” It looks like it’s your lucky day! 888 (as I’ve also known myself) is an angel number and it can surely bring you luck and divinity.” I found it both amazing and ironic that she said this shortly after this sick feeling, defeat, and anxiety I’ve been getting over my ex causing issues with me. When I got home, I stepped out of my car and my beautiful soul neighbor engaged in conversation with me. I RARELY ever have deep conversations with any of my neighbors and felt this sudden urge to “vent.” It was almost like this pull that I couldn’t explain in the moment. I just looked at him and suddenly said “Hi Rob.” It lead to a beautiful conversation where we both almost started to cry talking about a lot of the trauma we faced. It was a reminder, to me, that there are still a few good men out there, and although I’m a 27 year old young woman and he is a middle aged man that is humbly married, I take peace in the idea that I could one day find a wholesome man like him, as I deserve it. These two events gave me hope that it could’ve possibly been divinely orchestrated and a wink from my spiritual team that they have my back. What are your thoughts? I sometimes doubt myself and would love to hear opinions on signs and synchronicities taking place at the right time.

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