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Forums Forums Astrology What aspects of your life have been made better because of your knowledge of Astrology?

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    It was only this year that I actually started reading about Astrology beyond my sun sign and the do’s and don’ts during a Mercury Retrograde.

    The staggering amount of information (even by simply studying my OWN chart) is overwhelming! Mad respect for all the astrologers out there.

    I feel like a lot of people don’t really get a full sense of who they are and that’s why we tend to take multiple personality tests, associate with cliche zodiac sign traits, or go to therapy. Reading my chart gave me some serious insight about myself that I would have otherwise denied or brushed off. This plus going through my Saturn Return has helped me identify what traits I need to enhance and what to change.

    I’ve been focusing on myself a lot lately and I think Astrology is helping me get to know myself in a deeper level that is both raw and outlandish. It’s terrifying and calming at the same time.

    **TL;DR: My basic knowledge of Astrology and my chart helped me dive into deeper introspection and I’m more motivated to be a better person**

    **What about you?** How has your knowledge on Astrology helped you for the better?

    *P.S. I’m currently interested in anything about the Saturn Return (I’m going through mine now. It’s a struggle) and Lunar phases. Would be great to get insight about your own Saturn Returns, too!*

  • What aspects of your life have been made better because of your knowledge of Astrology?

    GarunixReborn updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 14 Replies
  • Responsible_Idea8425

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    I’m definitely no astrologer, but taking a mini dive into my chart and reading about what others had to say about my chart made me a bit more introspective. I definitely wouldn’t have known about certain quirks, had it not been for someone pointing them out in my chart, for sure!

  • Klaudiapotter

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    It definitely explained a lot of my habits.

    I can also manage my schedule better based on transits. I try not to plan important things during an Aqua moon. They keep me up all damn night for some ungodly reason

  • momofmoose

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    Reading my chart and transits has helped me understand myself way better. It has given me a level of confidence i didn’t really have, and solidified my capabilities and weakness. Idk if I’d call myself a psychic, but I have some positions in my chart that explain why I have some clairvoyance with certain things. Kinda cool, also exhausting at times.

  • danimacabrexx

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    My Saturn return was a doozy! I learned about astrology right around the same time and feel like it really helped me understand myself and how I relate to others a lot better. It helped me realize my flaws and recognize when I’m not being the person I want to be. I did a lot of personal growth around my Saturn return and really changed the course of my life for the better. The year or so around that time was ROUGH though. Hang in there!!

  • HappyCoconutty

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    My parenting – both the parenting I experienced and the kind that I give to my Aries Stellium toddler.

    My outlook on life and sense of entitlement. I feel entitled to want an easier life, and now I understand that I don’t need to work myself to death to “earn” rest. I function better with more pockets of rest. Had to understand my Mars better for this.

    I also understand why social media does not work the same for me as it does for similar people (Saturn in 11th) and so I’ve let that go and focused on my friendships more and it made me a better person.

  • sythekin-

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    It helped explain my needs and my bad habits. My moon is in Aquarius and this helped me explain my need for alone time. How I feel safe and secured by having my own space. While as my bad habits, it helped explain why I do such things and what drives me to do them. My Venus and Mars are in Scorpio. Before, I only knew that my sun was in Sagittarius but I was really possessive and obsessive of my friends and wanted them to myself and didn’t want anyone to be friends with them but me. Due to my Scorpio placements, it almost destroyed and did destroy some friendships. After learning more about astrology and it’s placements, it really helped control and learn more about myself.

  • ndavidson717

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    I’m experiencing Aquarius stellium in my first house opposition to my Moon in Leo. Gets me confused, overwhelmed by own emotional outbursts and love and respect to my own personality. Tough times but I enjoy them =)

    I have Sun in Aries, and I’m anything but confident, hotheaded, and etc they write about Aries, haha) people don’t believe my zodiac sign) several days ago I encountered my personalized description presumably based on astrological data. It says I actually need to leeearn to be Aries (courageous, pioneer, risk-taker), it’s my life lesson. I realized that I constantly prove myself that I can do something that I scare a lot. And respect myself a lot if I successfully deal with it. Check it out, maybe you’ll get inspired too (Self-care goals: AdviseMe app on iOS).

  • Castlewallsxo

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    It has made me realize my potential

  • lotsosecondthought

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    It has helped me better understand my current partner. I used to resent him for doing things I felt he shouldn’t have. Now, I use astrology to remind me of things that are innate in him, our similarities, and our differences. This led to a stronger relationship.

    Astrology also helped me understand and forgive my previous partner.

  • kara_anna

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    One thing that’s been interesting is better experiencing how different people are. With transits, I get to experience what something feels like that’s not in my natal chart. That helps me better understand what something’s like for another person (including the challenges it brings). That kind of knowing is much different from just imagining it. Some people are natally dealing with energies much different from mine, and some of those are very difficult. It also helps me better see that it’s the same from other people’s side — that I have challenges that they don’t know the feel of (unless they experienced something similar). I guess it helped me better see the limits to imagination and empathy.

    What I’m experiencing in transit is still through the parameters of my own chart, though. So it’s not identical to how another person experiences that aspect when it’s in their natal. But that transit still helps a lot.

  • Accomplished-Fold-40

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    I was very skeptical about astrology for years. I got a few readings that I disagreed with and would think “that doesn’t apply to me.” Recently, I started asking “well, what if this were true?” and “what would I do about this if it were true?” The answers led me to think about myself in entirely new ways.

    I learned to accept some of the problems that I’ve brought to my relationships by acting out of insecurity. I’ve also learned to accept some difficult traits by working with them instead of always trying to fight them.

    I’m very happy that I looked into astrology again. I truly feel I’m a better, more honest and more responsible person because of it. It’s also become a really fulfilling passion for me.

    My second Saturn return is a few years away. I’m looking ahead so I can plan my moves a little better than I did with the first one.

  • MangoRockets

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    Astrology empowered me by reaffirming a lot of my internal thought process. It helped me love and understand my parents better and then eventually most people I’ve met.

    I’m Aquarius raised by two Scorpio’s in love with Virgo.

    Astrology gives me an inclination of how the world might be perceived by others and how I with my Aquarius perception might be interpreting a situation (for better or not)

  • queendestroyer

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    Any book recommendations anyone ?

  • GarunixReborn

    January 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    Well, it’s another topic I can joke about, sure that’s fun

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