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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What can be done if your psychic abilities has decreased?

  • What can be done if your psychic abilities has decreased?

  • Ealumin

    March 10, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    As difficult as this may be to hear: you’re likely seeing parallels where they simply don’t exist, and thinking things may be a curse when they are just acts of nature outside of your control. Instead, focus on what you can control: how you respond to that situation. Stress and negativity can definitely cause a reduction in psychic ability. It blocks the mind and causes one to be stuck in their own head, often creating sucking spirals of negative thoughts. Those overwhelm your mind and make it hard to reach out for help, whether it be to people or deities.

    To fix this, I would definitely try to find a place you can go that helps you to be calm, and try to shake off this negative energy. I don’t know what kind of access you have, so I am not sure what you can use to help cleanse yourself.

  • sorcy1

    March 10, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    It also sort of sounds like you may have some anxiety about some dark work you may have done (not judging), and that anxiety, mixed with lifes difficulties, has built up and that has created a a sort of self fulfilling prophecy of having been cursed or had a backfire. Im not sure if i believe in karma either, however i DO believe in cause and effect.

    Regardless, all of this will create stress which if held onto long enough, will not only manifest itself physically in the body but will also affect you non physically, in this case, your psychic abilities. I myself have gone through a time where my level of stress was affecting my “seeing”. It sucked and felt like i lost part of myself. But after a while, things settled, i handled my issues, i took a break and now things are back to normal for the most part.

    So, definitely try to de-stress the best you can and try some of the nice suggestions being posted by others if you are able. Hang in there and dont give up. I hope some part of this helps. ❤

  • KaraAtesh

    March 10, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    When you meditate are you in a comfortable position? If so, stop and do the opposite. Being discomfortable and or exercising while focusing your intent or your abilities strengthens them. If you can go on a jog, while jogging focus your will and see the other world, try to catch any details you can. This i call exercising the spirit.

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