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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing what do we really know about shadow people???

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    i used to see them ALL THE TIME when i first started witchcraft, not very much lately but i’m genuinely curious of what their intentions are. people say all different kinds of things like how they steal your energy, how they’re actually here to protect you, how you see them more and more as you progress in your journey. thoughts??? experiences?? anything?

  • what do we really know about shadow people???

    zwahk updated 2 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 16 Replies
  • EerieValerie

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    Go with your intuition! I always see a shadow person in my bedroom but I never felt like it was evil or a negative energy. Turns out, it was the ghost of a loved one and he protects me.🖤

  • violette_witch

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I think some types do take energy from us, but not in a way that harms us, per se. it’s more like we’re chickens and they take the eggs. Chickens lay every day and the eggs would rot if they weren’t used, right? So if we eat eggs we’re not harming the chicken, they’re going to make an egg whether we eat it or not.

    Or maybe a better analogy is, if a plant receives energy from the sun, is the plant stealing energy? Not really because the sun is putting it out/expending it whether a plant is there to “eat” it or not.

  • Banemik

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    What do we really know? Very little.

    There’s nothing saying all shadow people are the same thing. One shadow person could be a ghost, another demonic entity and a third something else entirely.

    Pretty much all we know is they’re humanoid in shape and dark.

  • FullMoonRougarou

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    Shadow people could be any number of things. I don’t think there’s just one kind. There’s the “hat man” that many folks report seeing. I saw a shadow person in broad daylight when I was a kid, so I don’t believe it’s witchcraft related or only seen by actively practicing magic folk. I’ve also seen plenty of blurry & fleeting shadows, which appeared to be very different than the classic & distinct shadow person form, but shadows nonetheless. As far as intentions, that’s no different than trying to guess the intentions of any other mysterious creature.

  • Apidium

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    Sod all. They are typically humanoid and dark.

    Some seem content at a distance others get closer. Some are linked with sleep paralysis in some people.

    A lot of various occurances are all bundled up as shadow people. I doubt that these are all the same thing.

  • asherino83

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I think they’re all of the above…. I encountered one last night in my bedroom (first time in years) that creeped me out and just didn’t feel right. But I’ve encounter others that are just passing through and curious, others that are my guardians, etc. They’re not all negative but also not all positive.

  • ann_alien

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    Not much, but I say trust your intuition. If it doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t. I suggest not approaching them if you feel they aren’t good.

    I’ve been seeing more shadow people lately, although I always could. My encounters are usually pretty tame. I either ignore them as they pass by or if they seem to stick around I’ll push them away with my mind/tell them to leave if they aren’t of light and love.

  • -_-Doctor-_-

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I’ll just rattle all this off. Make of this what you will. All of this assumes the shadow people are not purely the result of sleep deprivation, amphetamine use, sleep paralysis, or fever dreams (all of which are cited as common, scientifically valid causes).

    * Various descriptions of the Jinn/djinn/genies in Islamic and Islamicate literature could be construed as shadow people. Whole libraries worth of this literature exists and I don’t claim to have read them. If you think you might have been dealing with Jinn, I’d start with the [basics](
    * The people of the Choctaw Nation (originally from the Mississippi area) had/have several legends which match the modern descriptions of ‘shadow people.’
    * The ***Impa Shilup*** was a black being capable of entering depressed people or those consumed by evil thoughts and eating their souls.
    * ***Nalusa Falaya*** (or *the* Nalusa Falaya, it’s unclear to me if it’s a unique being or a class of beings) is a spindly humanoid with vaguely goblinoid or ‘Slenderman-ish’ features.
    * The modern phenomenon is generally traced to Harley SwiftDeer Reagan’s appearance on *Coast to Coast* *AM* and [Heidi Hollis](, both in 2001 (with honorable mention to the *Harqalya* message board).
    * Harley SwiftDeer Reagan is, put mildly, a controversial figure.
    * Based on the Coast to Coast interview, it appears Harley SwiftDeer Reagan was conflating the Choctaw concept of *shilombish* (sometimes translated “outer shadow” or “outside shadow”) and *shilup* (the “inner” or “inside shadow”). People possessed both: the *shilup* was something like the Western soul or Egyptian *ka*, and moves on after death while the *shilombish* followed the living and remained behind upon death, often to make mischief.
    * There is, however, no indication Reagan studied or even understood these concepts. The use of the word “shadow” to describe either of these concepts is debated; much like the ancient Greek concept of the spirit as a “shade,” the word may be used to denote a fundamental ‘un-reality’ rather than actual darkness.
    * Reagan was prone to stealing, butchering, or simply fabricating spiritual concepts and passing them off as authentic, ancient, or otherwise legitimate.(Note: every idea comes from somewhere and ‘revealed’ wisdom is a staple of the occult. My issue comes from passing off fabrications, distortions, or appropriation as contextually authentic, etc.)
    * Whatever legitimate indigenous knowledge and spiritual lineage Reagan did possess appears stolen (i.e. taken without knowledge or consent) from a Navajo family (the Wilsons, now Yellowhair) who dispute Reagan’s claim he received secret teachings from Tom Wilson.
    * Heidi Hollis wrote a series of books on the subject, beginning in 2001.
    * Hollis believes the shadow people to be negative alien entities who can be compelled to leave by invoking the “Name of Jesus”
    * Hollis was a regular guest on *Coast to Coast AM*. [Here]( is one of the episodes on which she appeared in 2008. [Here]( is her bio on the *Coast to Coast AM* website.
    * Hollis claims to be “a foremost expert on Shadow People and The Hat Man.” Take that as you will.

    So, the general consensus appears to be negative: neither jinn nor impa shilup nor Hollis’ shadow people are up to anything good.

  • kodabear22118

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I see them a lot too but never really feel negatively about them. I even see them moving around sometimes when I go around my room saying “if you’re not of love and light you need to leave”. Sometimes I see some leave when I say that. I read that they can be spirits that can’t completely manifest themselves in our realm but who really knows

  • Transparently_Real

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    The hidden jyinn

  • halfalive830

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I’ve never seen them before until I moved into the house I’m in now. But I think it might just be a ghost? Never feels creepy. It just hangs out far away in door ways or hallways. But definitely a dark shadow tall frame of a man who just watches me and the fam. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • Comfortable-Gur-5549

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I’m very new to the act of practicing but I’ve known I’m sensitive for a long time. Since I’ve gotten more in touch with my spiritual side I feel so close so seeing a shadow person and I haven’t seen one since I was a kid. I’m kinda scared they’ll catch me off guard but not scared of them since I do protection work. Any tips on more protection or calming of the nerves 😌

  • maponus1803

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    My theory is that shadow people are an effect of spirits manifesting in our reality. I dont think there are Shadow People, but shadow people are the shadow of a spirit that is a interacting with our reality. When I do calls in nature is when I see the shadow people the most often around the edges of the circle or in the distance walking around. One of the most clear shadow people I saw was when I was doing a call to Archangel Cassiel outdoors. About 50 feet from the ritual space I saw a shadow person slowly walking across my field of view. If the figure had not been blacker than black I would have though it was some random dude walking in the trees.


    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    As far as I know, and even if I myself don’t know much, my couple is very knowledgeable…
    Shadow people:
    Shadow people usually are entities that come from another reality, there are looots of realities, and every now and then, by random, another one is created.
    Realities can be divided as : Light dominated ones, and darkness dominated ones…
    Most realities are light dominated, and the new ones as well, all living being in a light one are light-made, and they get born, die, and reincarnate, in the same reality.

    Dark entities are born in the darkness ones, but, they can move from one reality to another freely, just that they don’t get a body when they go to a light one.
    Their goal in existence is to rot and corrupt the light ones to turn that reality into a darkness one, since that’s their way to increase their power cap.

    That doesn’t mean they’re bad per se.

    Dark entities or also known as Shadow people have different origins..

    Some are what you might name a demon, they were born in one of the darkness realities and they’re not nice at all.

    Some are people form a light one, who died and ended up as a dark being, that can be because of the following reasons:

    – they got a “demon” attached to them who killed them and now they ended up dragged there with that “demon”

    – the pain and suffering from their lives made them suicide, and thus they became darkness

    – They died because of an accident, their pain and remorse didn’t let them reincarnate so they became darkness

    So yeah, that the thing with ouija and likes, if you contact with a deceased one, it’s very possible that it has some “demon” attached, so yeah, bad idea
    and if they became darkness because of suffering or an accident, they might be helped to return to light, but it’s quite risky

    The reason because the more you advance in your learning, the more they appear, is because you’re becoming a threat to their goal to corrupt that reality.

    But yes, some of them are not bad at all, just sad souls trapped in a bad place, but if you want to help them you must be very careful, an double check that they don’t have anything attached to them, because your help could turn against you very badly.

    If you ask how do I know all this, or how did I get with this idea, well, I just know it the same way I know the lines on my hand

    BTW, heaven and hell? all light dominated realities could be considered heaven, but the presence of dark beings can make it more similar to hell sometimes… anyway, that stuff doesn’t really exist, heaven is our world for example, and hell is ANY darkness dominated reality…. there way more stuff to it, but I believe that this answers your question

  • PriorSchedule6138

    June 25, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    Okay so I don’t know if it was a shadow person or not. This actually happened about 4 years ago before I moved out for college but I recently came across the term ‘shadow people’ so I looked it up on reddit.

    I live in a joint family(all of us live together with our cousins, uncles and aunts) and one night we were all downstairs and watching TV in the living room after dinner. So my house is structured in a way that from the entrance, towards the right you have stairs, in the front you have the living room and on the right there’s the dinning room on the ground floor. While watching TV we heard a noise coming from the stairs. Me, my father, my aunt and my cousin brother were seated such that the stairs were in our periphery and all of us saw a silhouette rushing up the stairs. We were convinced it was a thief or someone who broke in from the entrance and so my father and my uncle both went upstairs with a knife and bat while my mom and aunt peeped through the curtains to see if there was a van outside etc and all of us kids were ushered into a room. After sometime they came back down and said they couldn’t find anyone, and there’s no way someone could’ve escaped from the first floow because all our windows have grills and our balcony was locked, the street outside was silent too. It was super spooky but we all saw someone. The adults didn’t bring it up then because my brother was still young.

    I wonder about this a lot even now. What was it? Was this a shadow person? Why were they here?

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